Thirteen: Calm Before a Storm

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- Summary: Something coming. And soon.-

"Tsukauchi here."

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded more tired than usual.

"It's me. I have some news regarding your vigilante problem."

Tsukauchi sat up, suddenly more interested. He hadn't heard from Aizawa in almost a week, and he had started to worry. Not only that, but Kage himself seemed to be out and about less and less. "What is it?"

There was a pause before Aizawa spoke again.

"I know who he is."


"Zuku! Can you please take care of the cafe for a little while? I need to pick up Kei from school."

Izuku smiled at Yui, nodding slightly. The cafe wasn't crowded, there were only two people sitting at a table, drinking some tea. He could handle it until Yui got back. His manager smiled at him before running out the door. The green haired teenager turned around, expecting to hear the bell on the door ring as it closed, but the cafe was silent.

Frowning, Izuku turned back around to face the front of the cafe, and his stomach dropped. Aizawa was walking through the door, and right behind him was-

"Good morning. I think we need to talk."

Tsukauchi smiled warmly down at Izuku, but the freckled boy only nodded. He turned, waving them into the back room. This was going to be fun.

Once the door closed behind them, separating them from the rest of the cafe, Izuku whirled around to glare at Aizawa. 

"You told him?"

Aizawa didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. He just frowned right back. 

"Of course I told him. First of all, you're a wanted vigilante, and second, you're a kid. He needed to know."

Izuku turned his glare to Tsukauchi, who had sat down in a chair by the back desk. He was still smiling, but that didn't make the teenager feel any better. He walked around the detective, taking a seat behind the desk. Aizawa sat in the chair next to Tsukauchi, not taking his eyes off the small, green haired boy.

"Whatever you have to say, get it over with. I have work to do."

Tsukauchi sighed, leaning forward in his chair. Izuku didn't want to meet his eyes, but he forced himself to anyway. The detective's smile was warm, almost fatherly, but that just made the teen more nervous. Hopefully this would be done quickly.


Tsukauchi was surprised. Kage hadn't lied at all during their conversation, but he hadn't exactly been open. It had been a shock for the detective to learn that not only did Aizawa know who the vigilante was, but that the person who had been causing the police so much trouble was a kid. The same age as Aizawa's students, actually.

The detective looked over his notes before glancing at Aizawa. The pro hero's gaze was still fixed on the kid behind the desk, but he must have felt the other man's gaze, because he turned to face him. 

"So what now? Am I gonna be arrested?"

Kage- Izuku's smile was weak, and his face looked worn. With each question, it was as though an extra weight had settled onto his shoulders, pushing him farther and farther down in his chair. Tsukauchi tried to smile at him, but he only received a frown in return. He sighed, shuffling the papers in his hands.


The answer seemed to surprise both Izuku and Aizawa. They both stared at him, confused. Tsukauchi continued.

"First off, you're still underage, so even if I wanted to try to put you in prison, it probably wouldn't work. Second, you're quirkless, so we can't technically charge you with vigilantism, since that would require the use of a quirk, which you obviously don't have. Finally, both Mustafu and UA still need you. It would be wrong of me to arrest you. I think, for now, I will just have to turn a blind eye. I just have one request from you."

The teen perked up. It seemed as if the detectives statement had lightened the burden on him, if only a little. "What is it?"

"I want you to work towards getting a hero license."

Izuku frowned. "But how can I? I don't have a quirk."

Tsukauchi smiled. "I think you'll manage. That's all I have for you for now. I expect we'll be in contact, Izuku."

The green haired boy looked shocked. "How did you-"

"I know a bit about the Midoriya case. I'm sorry about what happened, but I'm glad to know that you are alright." The detective offered his hand for the vigilante to shake. Hesitantly, Izuku took it, smiling slightly. 

Walking out of the cafe, Tsukauchi let out a small laugh. Aizawa gave him a questioning look. The detective just shook his head, smiling a little. 

"So, after all this time, Izuku Midoriya is alive."

What a pleasant surprise.


"Are they ready?"

Kurogiri inclined his head, purple smoke rising around him. Shigiraki smiled crookedly. 


"I hope you're ready, heroes."


(A/N) I'm SO sorry that there wasn't a chapter yesterday, it might be hard for me to get one out on Sundays cause I'm pretty busy. Also, here's another filler chapter. I keep trying to get to the USJ, but other events keep popping up. THIS IS THE LAST FILLER THOUGH. The next part is gonna be about the USJ, so it will be more interesting.


Notice any mistakes? Please let me know here! ->

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Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 300 READS. That's just- wow. Thank you all. I hope you all have an amazing day. Girls, gays, theys, I bid you adieu. 

Love you all <3

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