Three: New Information

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- Summary: And the plot thickens... -

"I ran into your little vigilante last night."

Tsukauchi choked on his coffee. He glanced up, but Aizawa's face was completely serious. Tsukauchi glanced down at the case file he had been looking over before the hobo hero had interrupted him: it just so happened to be Kage's (A/N because of course it was). There wasn't much in the file, just a few testimonies from some people that the vigilante had saved. None of them had been able to give any kind of description of Kage apart from his eyes. 

Tsukauchi turned his attention back to Aizawa, who was now sitting in the chair across from the detective's desk. He looked even more tired than normal, though how that was possible we will never know. He clearly hadn't gotten any sleep the night before.

"So," Tsukauchi sat forward in his chair, pushing Kage's case file to the side. "Tell me what happened."

Aizawa sighed. "Nothing really. I heard fighting, but when I got to the alley, the fight was over. I saw a figure in a dark green hoodie and black pants kneeling next to a girl. I tried to take him in peacefully, but he got away. I wasn't even able to grab him with my capture scarf." He scowled, glancing down at the case file. 

"Did you see what his face looked like? Any distinctive features?" Aizawa shook his head.

"No. He had a black mask on and green goggles. He had his hood up over his hair, so I couldn't even see the color of it. He was kind of short, and I think he was using a voice modifier." Aizawa stopped when they both noticed a quiet buzzing. Aizawa reached down and pulled his phone out of his pocket, glancing at the caller ID before frowning.

"It's Nezu. I should probably take this, it might be important."

Tsukauchi nodded, gesturing to the door. "Ok. Just notify me if you run into Kage again."

Aizawa stood up and left. Tsukauchi scribbled a few notes down on a piece of paper, noting the things that Aizawa had seen. Slipping the paper into the case file, he sighed and leaned back into his chair. In three years, he had not so much as seen the vigilante, but now they had something. They had a real sighting, and it was from a pro no less. Maybe Kage was getting rusty.


"What is it?" Aizawa had left the police station and was walking down the street towards a cafe he liked frequenting. He hadn't had any calls from Nezu in a while, so whatever the rat principle had to say, it was probably important.

"Aizawa, I hope you remembered that the UA entrance exam is in a few weeks."

Aizawa sighed. "Of course I remember Nezu, is that the only reason you called?"

"Of course not. I heard that you had an encounter with our local vigilante last night."

Aizawa opened his mouth, about to ask how he knew, but he stopped himself. Nezu had his ways, and it was best not to question them. Nezu continued. 

"I was hoping you could try to get in contact with him. I thought it would be interesting to have a chat with him."

Aizawa froze, about to push open the cafe door. 

"You want me to try to track down Japan's most wanted vigilante, someone who has only been seen once, so that you can have a chat with him?"

Nezu's voice was far too cheerful for Aizawa's liking. "Yes."

Aizawa sighed, sitting down at one of the cafe's booths. "I'll try, but I can't promise you anything."

"Thank you. I expect I will be seeing you soon."

"Right. Bye."

Aizawa hung up, put his phone back in his pocket with a scowl. How was he supposed to get in contact with Kage? He had no possible leads, and he had no ideas on how to get leads. But he knew that he couldn't do anything without proper caffeine. 

"What can I get for you?"

Aizawa glanced up at the boy standing in front of him. He was short with curly green hair that fell in his face, just covering his dark green eyes. His skin was pale, and he had a splattering of freckles across his cheeks. His smile was warm and open, but it felt a little off. Aizawa ignored it. He had seen this same teenager here before, and the vibe he gave off was always the same. Happy, a little nervous, and very closed off. 

-: Time skip cause I'm a lazy bitch :-

"Zuku! Can you close up tonight please? I have to get home to help Kei with his homework."

Izuku glanced to see Yui, his manager, looking at him with pleading eyes. He sighed, smiling at her. 

"Of course I can. How could I possibly say no to you?"

Yui laughed and headed towards the front door, tossing a set of keys to him. Izuku caught them and waved as Yui left, the door's bell tinkling behind her. It was true that Izuku probably wouldn't be able to say no to Yui, considering she was the reason he had a place to stay. When he had been looking for an apartment, she had been kind enough to let him stay in the small living area upstairs from her small cafe. She let him stay for free, and in return he helped her run her cafe. He really did owe her a lot.

Smiling to himself, Izuku locked up the cafe, turning the lights off before heading upstairs to his apartment. It was small, only a bedroom and a small bathroom, but it was enough for him. Yui really was the best. She never asked questions about his past, she never pestered him about school. (A/N And she never stopped to think about the fact that he was 15, and really should have a family or something, but that would be a waste of good plot convenience ;p)

 Izuku walked over to his closet, where he kept all his vigilante gear. He pulled it out, slipping it all on, yawning loudly. He really needed a good night's sleep, but he wasn't going to get it tonight. Tonight, he had work to do.


(A/N) Hiya fellow humans, welcome to hell. This is kinda a filler chapter, but I wanted a way to introduce the cafe and Yui, because they might be important in the future. Also Yui is an OC, because I couldn't figure out any real characters that I could pull out of their normal lives and make into cafe owners. She's about 30 and married with a 10 year old son, Kei. Kei might show up later, but Yui's husband probably won't.

I didn't do any editing for this chapter, so if you notice any mistakes, let me know here! ->

Got any ideas? I could always use some help with parts. Give me some ideas here! ->

So I hope everyone enjoyed this part, and I guess I'll see you in the next part! Girls, gays, and theys, I bid you adieu. <3

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