chapter thirty- four

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Four months later

You know the feeling you get, the satisfaction when you win an argument? Thats me right now but it's so much better. It's better because I just won a four month war with my 'grandparents' and the Russian mafia. A stupid ass war all because I wouldn't marry anyone. But it's okay, they're all dead. Well, most of them.

A smirk came to my face once the images of me killing all of them came to mind. Oh the blood, the screams for mercy. You know, for people who were fearless and feared everywhere for sure are pussies the second someone shows more dominance than them.

four months ago

I look at my lovely grandfather and grandmother tied up on a chair as they tried to get out. It's really comical if you ask me.

"Listen here you ungrateful bitch, I will fucking kill you if we're not let out of here right now!" Cosimo yelled, glaring daggers at me.

I walked in circles around them with a smirk on my face. What should I do with them? Hmm. Oh I know! Cut their heads off! No, too messy blood will be everywhere.

"Do you hear me?"  He asked watching me.

I could electrocute them. It wont kill them fast and it's a good torture technique. No. I need something better. If you want them to suffer cut their fingers off, then their hand, then their arm, and just keep going. But the blood. I don't care I wanna watch them bleed.


"Shut the fuck up! I hear you I'm not fucking deaf!" I yelled, as I stopped walking in front of them.

"What are you going to do to us?" Emilia hissed, pulling on the chains.

I smirked walking up to her. I looked at her face, she seems calm but the tears in her eyes is a dead giveaway. For being an old fucking hag she doesn't look a day over fifty.

"A lot."

I snapped my head over to the corner of the room to make sure Jack was still there.

"Get me the needles will you."

Jack made his way to the table opening a bag with all sorts of drugs in it. I couldn't figure out if I wanted to overdose them before I got my hands on them so I brought it just incase.

"What are you doing?" Cosimo asked as Jack put the syringes in my hand.

"Im drugging you. What dose if look like."

"With what?" He asked,

"Don't worry about that. All you should know is that you will not be able to move or talk for about ten minutes, but you will feel everything I'm about to do. I'm not giving you that much so it won't last for long."

I may love to hear screams when I'm torturing people, but it gets annoying after awhile.

I pushed the needle into his arm and made my way to Emilia.

"No! No Please! I'm sorry please don't do this!" She screamed, trying to push herself away from me.

Make her watch.

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