chapter four

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if u can't tell i like old trap music, u finna know soon

I've been in this plane for so long I'm starting to go crazy. I'm really bored and Luca passed out a few hours ago so I can't talk to him anymore. I was just left alone with me and my thoughts. That's dangerous.

It's kind of weird that my mom had a Spanish mafia boss obsessed with h- WAIT OH MY GOD. My mother's dad is the mexican mafia boss. Is the spanish and mexican mafia the same? I need to know.

"Luca wake up I have a question!" I yelled in Lucas ear waking him up.

"What do you want?" He asked in his sleepy voice.

"Wasn't my mother's dad a mexican mafia boss?" I looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Yes, why?"

"So is the spanish and mexican mafia the same? Cause if it is, what's going through my mind is fucked up." I said as I felt a wave is disgust wash through me.

"No they're not. They're two different families, and your grandfather is more powerful than the spanish mafia. The spanish mafia is like a gang, but it's not. They're too big to be a gang and too small to be a mafia. Do you get what I'm saying?" He asked after seeing my confused face.

"Kind of? But I got what I wanted so go back to sleep."

Right as I said that the flight attendant came out and said that we're landing in ten minutes. Luca was mad because he couldn't go back to sleep and whispered curses under his breath as he got up.

"So much for going back to sleep." He muttered as he glared out the small window.


After we got off the plane I was told that I had to wait until everyone else got here. All I'm saying is, they better get here fast because I'm not one for being patient. I'll leave if they're not here by the time it's dark. it's 5:10 in the afternoon and the sun goes down around eight so they have a few hours.

To pass the time I was going to ask Luca more about the war but he found a place to fall asleep as soon as we got off the plane. That's what he gets for drinking all day.

We're in a private area in the airport that's surrounded by guards. I can tell by the rings they all have on, they're in the italian mafia. My father and brothers have the same one. It's to show other mafias who the person belongs to, and unless someone wants a death wish no one will fuck with us.

I wonder if there's anywhere I can fight here. If there's not I'm going to have to build one, and that's on daddy's money. I did the 'we irritating' hand thing and that made a lot of guards look at me. All of you are about to see me do that a lot, so you better get used to it.

Okay, but like I need to know something. Does anyone just be chilling not paying attention to their surroundings and out of nowhere your phone starts ringing and scares the shit out of you? Because that just happened to me. I grabbed my phone and saw that Felix was calling me. Mr. I can beat anyone up.

"Well hello there. Who won the fight?" I tried to make it funny but I don't think it worked.

"Shut up. We're landing in twenty minutes, be ready because guards are going to pick you up and take you to our car." He said in a 'I'm tired as fuck don't talk to me' voice.

"So it sounds to me you lost the fight?"

He hung up.

I laughed as I got up and walked over to Luca.

"Luca get up they're about to land." I made sure I wasn't yelling because I know what a hangover feels like. And yelling doesn't make it better.

I can just leave him here. I will if he doesn't get up, I'll make someone get him later. But my plans are always ruined, his ass woke up.

"Why is it so bright in here? Turn the lights off!" He yelled covering his eyes.

I looked around the room confused because the lights are off, there's no light shining anywhere. How much did he drink?

"Ashlia let's go your father just landed." A man said coming into the room.

"First of all don't tell me what to do, I'll knock your ass out so fast." I stated as I looked at him.

He's a little taller than me and I'm not short. I'm five foot and ten inches so he must be a little bit taller than six foot.

He didn't look too pleased with what I said, I'll need someone to help me find a fuck to give cause I can't see one.

I can tell he's holding his anger in, he's shaking like a bitch right now. He's going to have to work on hiding his emotions better than what he does now.

He walked away so I followed him. Luca slowly got up and started following. It didn't take long for us to get to the car, by the time we got there everyone was just getting in. The stupid mother fucker still looked pissed so when they saw him and how I had a smirk on my face they knew I said something.

"What did you say for Luigi to look like he's going to explode?" Giovanni asked as the car started to move.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"What did you say Ashlia." Jace demanded.

I was about to tell them but I realized what his name is. It's fucking Luigi! Does he have a brother named Mario? I'm going to have fun fucking with him about his name.

"It was nothing. It wasn't anything that should've got him as mad as he was." I said in a voice that made them shut up.

Ha that's right, be scared.

edited: ✅

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