chapter twenty- one

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"What's the plan?" I asked as we made our way to Cesars private office.

To our surprise, Cesar actually took us to one of his houses. The house we're at now is usually only used by his men, and him. He only uses the office at this house because he doesn't like to take work home with him. Don't ask me how I know this, I just do.

"We're going to take him to the warehouse my men live at." Antonio said.

As we got closer to his office, we all pulled out guns that we took from the guards we took out. It didn't take a lot to kill them, they were weak.

"Ashlia, I don't think you should help with torturing." Jace said, looking at me worriedly.

What the fuck. Why is he looking at me like that? I've killed before, and I know he knows now because of how many people I just took out.

"Why?" I asked, sending Jace a dirty look.

"He's right Ashlia. We got it handled," Marco said.

Are they serious? I know damn well they don't think I'm about to sit at home while they're having fun. I'm not going to have it.

"Why? Do you need to get information that I can't know?" I asked.

Seeing the doors to his office, we all lowered our voices.

"No. We just don't want you with us." Antonio said.

"Is he important? Are you going to kill him?" I asked as a plan came to me.

Hiding the smirk on my face, I stood in front of the office doors, ready to kick it in.

"We're going to kill him, we just want to torture him for a while." Riccardo whispered.

All of you are about to see what happens when you say I can't help with torturing.

Carter and Antonio nodded at the same time for me to kick in the door. Smashing the door open, I made sure I was the first that went in. Shots were fired, but none hit me.

"Are you fucking crazy!" Matteo yelled at me as I shot all the guards down.

"Yes." I said.

During all of this, Cesar hid under his desk. Coward.

Even and Jace shoved the desk away, leaving an exposed Cesar.

"Why are you not wearing any clothes?" Pietro asked with a disgusted look on his face.

The only thing he was wearing were his boxers, and I thank the lord for that. I don't need to be seeing old man balls. A wave of discussed washed through me as I pictured his balls out for everyone to see. I wish I never pictured anything.

"I was in the middle of something before all of you came busting through the door." Cesar said getting up.

Confused, I looked around. What was he doing?

I turned around and saw a girl about to make a run for it. Oh. OHH! Y'all nasty.

"Please do it. Please run, I fucking dare you!" I yelled lifting my gun towards her.

And she did. She ran. I did dare her so I'm not surprised. After shooting her in the back of her head, I turned back around. It's a pity, she was pretty.

"You're in deep shit my friend." Antonio said.

"Yeah yeah, get it over with already. Kill me. Carter didn't, you won't." Cesar said.


I instantly shot him.

Here's something you need to know about me, if you say 'you won't' to me, I'm doing it. And it was my plan. I planned on shooting him as soon as I busted through the door, but things didn't go the way I wanted it to.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes.

I told you I'd show you what happens when you tell me I can't do something.

"There, saved you the time and just killed him for you." I smiled before walking away.

I walked to the garage, I wanted to know what kind of cars this guy had. I'm glad I killed him, this guy has awesome ass cars. I don't think he'll mind if I take some, or all of them.

I set my eyes on one badass car I've never gotten my hands on yet. The Conquest Knight XV. It's perfect for the mafia. It was built to be full of armour plating. Basically it can take any hit without getting damaged. It's a rare car, but mafia men tend to get what they want.

"I'm taking this beast home." I said to myself.

There's only seventeen in the world, and I'm about to have one of them. This may be an old car, but if you take care of it, it'll last you a long time.

After grabbing the keys, I instantly got into the truck.

"I'm going to take care of you." I whispered as I rubbed all over the inside.

Hearing the garage door open and people running in, I grabbed my gun and pointed.

"Hurry, we need to get out of here before more of his men come!" Antonio yelled as he ran to a car, followed by the rest.

The sound the truck made as it started sent waves through me. It's so loud! I love it.

Wait. Where's my fucking phone?

"I know damn well Cesars men did not take my fucking phone."

By the time we got home it was ten in the morning. We're all tired as hell. I don't know about you, but when I get tired I tend to get mad. And right now I'm pissed. I was fine when we got home, but after a few minutes Isaw that everyone was giving me dirty looks. I don't know if it's because I haven't properly slept in over twenty four hours and I'm tripping, or if everyone is actually sending me dirty looks.

I decided to ignore them and just go to my room. I don't have the energy to start a fight with everyone. I'll deal with it later I guess.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. It looks like I walked through a tornado, and swam in a pool full of blood. There's a little bruise on my neck where I was poked with a needle when they drugged us. I shouldn't have one, but they stabbed the needle in my neck really hard.

My makeup was either smeared with blood, or it was rubbed off. My mascara was smeared all over my face, my lipstick was also smeared. It's sad seeing a work of art go to the worst thing you've ever seen.

My dress was the worst of all. It was ripped all over. You would think the dress was red with the amount of blood on it. The color gold doesn't even exist on this dress anymore.

Overall, I just look terrible.

I turned on the shower and undressed as I waited for it to heat up. A hot shower is what I need right now.

As I got under the water, everything that happened the past few days was lifted from my shoulders. All the stress, anger, and pain was gone, just like that.

Let's just say, I was in the shower for over an hour.


in the nest chapter i'm doing a time skip a few weeks later. please don't hate me when i do it

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