chapter thirty

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you can listen to the song now, or wait for the fight, it's up to you!


I sat the diner table with ma, Jace, Even, Matteo, Giovanni, Felix, Preston, Riccardo,  Marco, Pietro, and Antonio. I came over for diner to ask them if they'll miss Carter. I know they'll tell me they won't, that he put them through hell for years. I just want to make sure, instead of assuming. If they lie, I'll know. If they have unfinished business with him, then I'll let whoever it is see him before he dies. And if they don't want to see him, then I'll have them write a letter and have Carter read it a day or two before I kill him. 

"It feels nice to have the whole family here for diner." Antonio said. 

Mama smiles over at Antonio as he grabbed her hand. 

The past few months since Carter has been locked up at my house, mama has been looking a lot more happier. More and more each day he's not near her. 

"We never had diners like these when Carter was around." Giovanni slurred. 

I narrowed my eyes at Giovanni, then looked around at everyone else. No one even looked at him. 

"There were sometimes where we had diner. Like holidays, birthdays, celebrations. It wasn't all bad." Even said. 

"I'm surprised Kathrain didn't make you guys have a family diner every night. Whenever we all were growing up, if no one at at the diner table at seven she would raise hell." Riccardo said, laughing. 

Mama let out a loud gaps. "I did not! I would respectfully scream my head off asking where everyone was at." She said, trying not to choke on her food from laughing. 

I sat in silence and watched my family talk about old times. They would laugh, cry, yell, argue on who's right or not. It really made me realize how happy my family was before Carter came and ruined it. Mama talked about her mom and how beautiful she was, how loving and caring she was. Riccardo, Marco, and Pietro would tear up here and there, but the tears would never fall. Antonio would talk the most about her. He would talk about her like she's still alive. I could tell it hurt my uncles hearing Antonio talking about her, and it didn't take long for him to notice, so he stopped. 

Felix and Preston talked about how they had to fight mama when they first started guarding her. Antonio wanted her to be strong enough incase someone tried to take her while no one was watching her. It did good for a few months before she forgot everything she learned. 

I must say, it's nice to be here with my family, but I came here for one thing, and one thing only. 

"I know everyone is going to hate me for killing the mood." I said. 

They all looked at me with a knowing look in their eye. 

"But you need to go, right? It's okay sweetie, go. We know you're busy with the whole 'taking over the mafia' thing. Go ahead, go! Just leave!" Mama said, getting ready to stand up. 

"That's not what I was going to say, Ma." I said. 

She stopped her movements and looked at me. For once in my life I let her see the pain she made me feel, for a split second. 

"I need to ask you all something." 

I turned away from mama and looked at everyone else. I could see mama from the corner of my eye trying to look at my eyes again. 

"What is it?" Felix asked. 

I leaned back in my chair putting on the coldest face I could. I prepared myself to see all their faces after I say what I'm about to say. 

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