chapter three

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The sky was dark, with the moon high and bright, as the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station. Both the twins and Lee Jordan wished you goodbye, and shouted that they'd see you later, over a loud, deep, voice echoing, "Firs' years, follow me! Firs' years this was please, come on now!" You waved back to them, and turned to see a very, very large man, where that voice obviously came from.

Your eyes widened and you stepped torwards him, he looked down your small figure, waving shyly to him. He chuckled, "To the boats, now, come on." He said it to you in a regular tone, guiding you forward with his large hand. After he moved you along, he raised his voice again, and bellowed the statement louder for everyone else to hear.

Before you knew it, you were hopping into a boat, along with all the other first years, when a boy with dark hair tripped and fell while entering yours. He sat up quickly, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Are you alright?" you asked softly, along with a friendly smile. He nodded really fast.

"Uh-yeah... sorry I," he almost fell again, off the boat this time, while trying to adjust to his seat. "I'm Neville." he concluded shyly, embarrassed yet again.

"I'm Evalynn, good to meet you, Neville." you then shook his hand and proceeded to adjust the lantern attached to the small watercraft, so it wouldn't fall off when you took off in it.

"Alright, here we go." The large man said, loudly. The boats began to move, causing you and Neville to gasp and hold on tight, even though it wasn't moving very quickly. You looked at the water you were in and swore you saw something large moving, but you blinked and it was gone. Assuming it was a figure of your imagination, you looked up ahead and saw a turn coming.

"I bet Hogwarts is behind that turn, Neville!" you exclaimed, getting excited now. Neville nodded, looking nervous but excited himself. As you took the turn, you gasped, with your eyes widened to the maximum that was physically possible, you were right.

It was Hogwarts, and it was beautiful.

The castle sat on a tall, secluded landscape. It had towers of all sizes, a huge bridge, and you could even make out some type of cobblestone courtyard in the distance. Through the windows there was bright, lights shining, and you noticed some windows were even stained glass!

You knew there would be so much to explore, and that you could only see a fraction of it at the moment. This is where you would be staying for the whole school year, and you were beyond okay with that. No wonder Fred and George were so proud of their house, it was in this magnificent palace of magic.

The large man, escorted you all off the boats. He quickly introduced himself, "If yer must know... I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds here at Hogwarts School. You'll see me 'round here and there, if yer have any questions feel free to approach me when yer see me."

He then guided you all to the entrance of the school, and one by one you went up a staircase, only to be met with a stern looking woman, with her hair in a tight bun under a witches hat. She told you all sharply to wait where you were. By her tone, you could tell she meant business. Then, she rushed firmly through the large doors behind her.

You were all whispering amongst yourselves, when you heard an icy voice, shout through the soft chatter. "So it's true then, what they're saying on the train..." you turned and saw a boy with platinum blonde hair and a smirk, leaning against the railway of the staircase you were on.

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

You gasped, and whispers of his name began to brew. Harry Potter, here? Then George was telling the truth to Lee earlier, him and Fred must have seen him on the platform. "Harry Potter?" Neville whispered to you, which lead you to shrug your shoulders at him, unsure yourself in a way, but also curious.

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