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*Katie got home and was walking back and forth her apartment wondering why she was now learning about this she wanted to drop everything and go to Alexa but she suddenly got a call from her mom*

"Katie u ok hun you haven't called all week " she asked worried

"Yea I'm fine I'm just learning lines right now " Katie

"Okay hun I'll call you tomorrow" she said after hanging up

*Then she feels it... a panic attack she tried the methods and it's failing suddenly someone walks into her apartment *

"Katie? you there" a voice asks from all the way down the hallway

It was jasmine her new co star from Hamilton

*Katie sat there shaking unresponsive*

Jasmine sat next to her trying to calm her down while also looking through her contact and calling her family members for help

"Katie can you tell me your parents or siblings name " jasmine asks because her phone was locked

"Katie please say something " jazzy asks worried for her

"a- alexa" she whispers scared and shaking

Jasmine takes her phone and asks siri to call the contact name alexa

The phone rings then you here


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