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"My mom just told me that Katie made it on hamilton and guess what i can't go because of this stupid work " alexa says angrily

Spencer glanced over to see his girlfriend stressed out on the coffee table and keeps an eye on her while he's working

"I can't do this ." alexa says as she struggles to breath in air

Spencer looks over to see his girlfriend getting up and about to pass out but before she does he runs to catch her

"SOMEBODY CALL 911" spencer yells trying to wake up alexa and call her mom

"I'll be back Spencer is calling me " lori says as she gets an incoming call from spencer

"Spencer ! what's up is everything alright ?" lori asks

"Alexa was getting worried about not being able to visit Katie because of her grades and she got anxious and blacked out and she's going to the hospital as we speak" spencer tells lori while he's walking into the ambulance
"We are on our way send us the location of the hospital and look out for her for me !" lori says getting jennifer and dave in the car

"ok I will" spencer says

*hangs up*

*alexa wakes up panicking*

"why am I in an ambulance what happend where's Spencer" she asks scared

"Please calm down you passed out and if u keep panicking your heart rate will increase and it might cause you to pass out again " the paramedics try to explain to her

*they enter the hospital to meet the nurses and doctors waiting for them *

"it's ok we got it from here" the nurse says to spencer

*lori , jack , and jennifer arrive *
"Where's Alexa were family we need to see her"they ask the nurse in the hallway

" room 391" the nurse replies

*they rush to the room to see alexa there sleeping and on a bunch of machines *

"Does Alexa have cancer again" jack asks worried

"No she'll be fine ! Don't worry jack " dave assures him

*Hours later Alexa wakes up*

"where's katie" alexa asks seeing her family except katie

"She's still in New York Alexa " lori tells her disappointed

*jack whispers to his mom*

"what if katie can't come to my graduation or something worse Alexa and Katie both can't come what the point in graduating" jack asks worriedly

"hey buddy it's alright Alexa will make it out safe and Katie is you're older sister she has to come" jennifer tries to calm jack down with

"if you say so." jack says walking out the hospital room

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