Big news

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*Katie goes to the first rehearsal of Hamilton after school and meets an amazing cast*

Hi ! You must be katie i'm Jasmine you can call me Jazzy" a voice says from behind her

"No way. Am i really talking to the original peggy " katie says in disbelief

"Yes you are ! I'm the last obc cast member here besides lin and thayne" she says laughing

"Let me show you around " she says
" sure" katie replies

*gets incoming phone call from aiden* *picks up*

"hi aiden whats wrong ?" she asks  walking away from jazzy for a minute

" I heard you got to be in the workshop for Hamilton and I just wanted to say congrats " he says

"oh yea I forgot to tell anyone besides my family but thanks how'd u find out" katie asks

"Im your boyfriend Katie it's not hard for me to find stuff about you" aiden replies

"oh yea figured "katie said

"did u hear about what happens to Alexa?" aiden asks her genuinely
"no I didn't actually what happened to her" katie asks confused

"she's in the hospital she had a major freak out and had to be taken away to the ambulance" aiden explains to her

"omg I didn't know that nobody called is she ok ? was anyone there for her? who was she with? "katie asks worries for her friend

"Katie calm down before you get a panic attack and call ur mom and get back rehearsals I have to go " aiden says hanging up

"Katie we are doing helpless ! Move up to the front" jazzy tells her before lin spots she's not on stage

"ok coming" she yells putting her phone down

Sorry y'all I forgot about my book and sorry it's short I have time this month cause right start school in September instead of August
Love sara ❤️

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