Im good

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"KATIE , KATIE please breathe " jasmine yelled trying to calm her down

"Hello"? Alexa replied confused who she's talking to
"Hi I know you don't know me but I'm Jasmine Katie's co star in Hamilton she's freaking right now and I don't know what to do "

"Oh My God. " Alexa says getting nervous

"Ok Jasmine just try to move everything around her and find a blanket or towel and cover her in it to make her feel calm "

"Okay i'm doing that right now " Jasmine replied

"She's still not responding to me i did the blanket thing and she still shaking ! Alexa please help " Jasmine basically begging her

"Put the phone on speaker " alexa tells jasmine
"okay she can hear u now ." jasmine said backing away from the phone to give her space

"Katie it's me alexa" she says worried

"Alexa?" katie replies

"Yes hun i'm here on the phone it's okay i'm here and jasmine is here too we want to make sure your okay " she says

"Are you okay Alexa. I know you are in the hospital right now u had a panic attack and it's all my fault " she says feeling guilty

"It's not your fault at all Katie stop blaming yourself okay? None of this is your fault" alexa tries to assure katie

"Are you sure Alexa . You always get sick because of me" she says

"Katie listen to yourself my sickness has nothing to do with you or why i'm in the hospital now . You helped me all the time and i'll always love you for that" alexa replies

Katie feels more calm and tells alexa she'll call her back tonight !

"You okay " jasmine asks

"Yea i'm fine . Thank you for coming to check on me " katie replies

"Yea we were having a cast dinner to introduce each other and u weren't replying to my calls so i ran over here with my boyfriend ant" jasmine says

"Oh so he's been waiting for a while now" she says laughing

"Girl it's fine ! He can wait " she says laughing

The 2 girls bond and Jasmine soon leaves katie in her apartment . While katie sleeps as she has school and rehearsals tomorrow

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