Chapter 4 Fateful Battles

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"Boss is she your girlfriend?" Konohamaru whispered.

"No Guila here rejected me earlier." Naruto answered getting a blush from his female companion and a laugh from Howzer.

"No, I did not!" she defended herself.

"So, do I have a chance?" he asked.

"No!... I mean..." Guila turned to see Naruto hold his knees as he buried his face in them.

"Don't worry I'm sure Jericho or Merlin well at least give you a chance." Howzer tried to comfort Naruto already knowing this was just some joke his fellow blond was pulling.

And the epic saga continues

Kusanagi and Lostvayne soon clashed at each other, with both sides trying to one up the other in their desperate struggle for dominance. Orochimaru may have had decades of experience in nearly all types of fighting but Naruto used his prior advanced training under Ban who was stronger than Jiraiya and Tsunade to make him improve physically and mentally on the battlefield. The two fought fiercely with neither side showing any sign of missing balance making each other stay in near perfect synch.

"You've lasted this long and I haven't landed a scratch on you boy. Tell me who trained you? I doubt the academy or Minato's poor excuse for a student taught you anything." Orochimaru taunted as Naruto's curse mark reappeared and covered his face.

"Now that would be telling, but let me ask you this. Have you ever seen a real demon?" Naruto asked as he charged the sannin at a faster pace.

Orochimaru managed to block and hold down the slash as the blond was slowly pushing him into a corner. Suddenly the sannin felt a kick to his head as he fell and rolled away before nearly being stabbed by the sacred treasure. Orochimaru scowled as he saw four more Naruto's line up and try to take a stab at him only for the snake to regain his footing as he blocked or dodged all the slashes and stabs from all of the clones. Moments later Orochimaru managed to stab one of the blonds causing him to spit out his own blood as the kusanagi dropped his body, the sannin smirked believing he achieved victory only to see it disappear and for the other clones to continue their assault.

"How did you do that? Clones don't leak blood once dispelled and I can tell it wasn't a blood clone either otherwise it wouldn't just disappear." Orochimaru stated only for Naruto to smirk at his naivety.

"They aren't chakra based clones, they are based on one of my special abilities." Naruto stated not wanting the snake to go after his grandfather's sacred treasure and take it for himself.

"My my, perhaps I should look more into you. You are already proving to be much more of a capable fighter than Sasuke-Kun." Orochimaru stated as he licked his lips with anticipation.

"I've always been better, I just let him show off while I played the fool." Naruto stated as his curse mark grew brighter.

Orochimaru attempted to catch him off guard only to take a slash from the back from another clone before losing balance and using too much energy into his next block from above. The sannin didn't realize it but the fight with Naruto was making him feel slow and more fatigued, he was sure it wasn't genjutsu and he didn't feel any kind of poison or toxin enter his body. Could this boy possibly have what it takes to keep up with an elite shinobi such as the sannin? Then there was the strange dark marking around his face, could that be affecting his power? Orochimaru ignored these questions as he violently charged his opponents while sending a couple of mud dragons after him only for rookie genin to avoid them and go after him again.

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