Chapter 17 - Siege

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(Fate/Apocrypha OST - Before Dawn)

Naruto smirked as he ran towards his clone seeing him ride Ban who was now in his tailed beast form wearing bronze armor covering the top of his head and snout, shin guards for his legs and retractable blades on his tails.

"How's everything dad?" the real Naruto asked before making his clone explode in front of the nibi's face.

"Same as always, Gyuki is an asshole with a bigger inferiority complexity than Shukaku." Ban answered before crawling on top of the ox... octopus... thing... hybrid? Some call it ushi oni despite said creature supposedly looking more like a spider revealing that Kishimoto decided to pull an Araki by forgetting important concepts.

"Hey, 9-0 don't go hatin' on my bro yo! Fool ya fo- AHHH!" Killer Bee yelled through his beast form taking a giant fist to back of the head making his face hit the ground.

"Wow and I thought I was annoying." Naruto said avoiding swipes from the Nibi, "Kitty has claws, fishcake need to extinguish flames first." he said creating several clones using his sacred treasure and preparing his mokuton.

"You got any plans kid?" Ban asked firing a bijuudama at the nibi sending her flying back while smacking the hachibi around, not giving him time to breathe.

"Sure do, you want to stop the bad rapper or ms silent treatment over there?" Naruto asked avoiding more blue flames being shot at him.

"Let's deal with this dumb ass here first." Ban said nailing another crushing blow onto his head.

Naruto nodded and commanded his clones restrain hachibi with a combination of his chakra chains and mokuton binding keeping the bijuu still.

"Bee! Don't move I'll get them off!" Yelled Yugito running towards the Naruto clones only to take a shoulder to the face followed by multiple kicks and slashes across the body knocking her on her back.

"Oh no you don't! You're in the wrong neighborhood lady and I expect you to pay a poll tax for entering it!" Yelled Ban continuing his assault.

(End of Song)

Unknown location

An elderly man in bandages can be seen sitting in a room watching the village under attack through the monitors. He smiles at the fact his plan is coming into motion, whether or not this invasion proves to be fatal towards the village. The old man plans his rise to power now that act one is complete, act two involves breaking into that mansion the Kyuubi brat claimed to have built. The reason, the boy has developed a certain bond to the strange individuals he brought with them and it was because of this his new power was unleashed.

This man needed that power to be under his control and not run loose like the dog the boy is like that senile fool Hiruzen has decided. Now that the boy and most of the shinobi who live in it are gone, it was a perfect time for his ROOT operatives to go in while the village was under chaos. Now that Orochimaru's forces are allied with a stronger village, he was sure Hiruzen would likely die or become too heavily injured before the old man had a chance to announce his successor beginning the third act of his plan. With the former Uzumaki under his thumb, he would have a weapon with enough potential to make all the bijuu weak and obsolete.

From there, his fourth act would be to take the hat and appear as a hero by defeating betraying Orochimaru and defeating both Oto and Kumo in a war as Iwa has yet to prepare itself for another war giving him time to prepare for an arms race beginning the next shinobi war as Suna and Kiri would both be too weak to join. Soon after, he would prepare himself to dominate those two last villages keeping Konoha as the strongest village in the entire Elemental Nations. Afterwards he would deal with making the kyuubi brat make spawns for him before killing him and raising an army to protect the village and dominate any force that challenges him.

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