Chapter 19 - End of Conflict?

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Naruto's study

Naruto was going over several notes and journals as he began to study everything he had on the Goddess and Demon clan. He had to find answers behind the appearance of the Demon King and the after affects on his body. He knew the moment the deity arrived within his mindscape that he should already find answers as to how to get rid of him. Luckily those people Arthur and Vivian were able to release him and seal away the soul fragment.

However, it was forcing himself to control his Goddess powers that broke him out the Demon King's control. One moment he's able to control his eyes and force him out then Merlin's former pupils manage to take help take him down. Disregarding the appearance of those two, Naruto had his mind set on the change and distortion within him. He hated to do it, but he had to keep this to himself and order his summons to never spread word to this. He didn't want anyone to worry or get in the way in case he becomes unstable.

He sighed as he couldn't find anything remotely useful from either clan or any similar experience coming from the halflings. Another issue Naruto had was the sudden feeling of dread or that something bad was always waiting for him. First it was the kidnapping of his aunts, then the second invasion, and now with his self deterioration things are only getting worse. Just looking at it again, he could see his hand slowly vanishing and returning making him worry.

Knowing his fear would not cease any time soon, Naruto grabbed a pen and paper and began to write to leave some notes and draw up some seals. By the time he would finish, he would entrust the note and seals to Calcifer should something ever happen to him. His work was interrupted the moment he heard someone open the door.

"Naruto! You ok?" Naruto looked to see Hawk walking... crawling... physical moving towards his desk.

"Yeah Hawk, why are you asking?" Hawk looked worried.

"You've been distant today and you keep getting jumpy whenever someone besides Merlin goes up to you. Is it because of the Demon King guy?" he asked as his ears lowered.

"You know me Hawk, sometimes I get jumpy and by the end of the day I'm either being funny or being a smart ass. It's just my defense mechanism whenever I meet new people. You're lucky I wasn't already at the point of being too cold to everyone when I freed my dad." Naruto explained unable to convince his pig friend.

"Yeah, but we're always worried about you. One day your sad, then your happy and another day you pretend to be dumb. It just gets confusing." Hawk said.

Naruto felt sympathetic for Hawk, but sometimes his strange personality would often be out of his hands. Getting up from his desk, Naruto patted Hawk's back trying to reassure him.

"Come on Hawk, how about make us something and I can give you some scraps as seconds." Hawk perked.

"Ok let's go!" Hawk said running out the door.

Meanwhile with Sasuke (I know one of you was wondering where he was)

The "last" and "loyal" Uchiha was training vigorously hitting all of his targets. After everything that has happened Sasuke still put his mindset onto getting stronger. He hasn't been able to tap into his curse seal and with the incident that idiot Kakashi put him into, yes after that last fiasco he's already on poor standing with the scarecrow, he's been wondering about what he's just to get stronger. Not that he regrets anything, he just wonders how that dobe suddenly reveals his powers and when he's at his peak, Sasuke was unable to lay a finger on him.

"Your hate makes you weak, you lie to yourself, you rely on what makes your so called noble clans strong, you will see death before actually becoming strong. When the times comes, you will become the last Uchiha."

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