Epilogue - Farewells and Introductions

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New Goddess realm

A pairs of eyes opened, one looked to his side and saw a beautiful young woman with silver hair covering one eye. Blinking twice and getting up, he looked around and started hyperventilating. He immediately started shaking the woman next to him revealing her vibrant blue eye.

"Mel... Meli- MELIODAS!" she screamed getting up and putting a hand on her heart.

"Elizabeth!" he yelled back hugging her.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"I don't know, but... I think we're in the goddess realm. How did we even get here? I thought we were..." Meliodas suddenly remembered something important to him, "We were talking to fishcake and left him our abilities and then... Elizabeth, I think we're alive again!"

Elizabeth looked unsure before smiling, "Really?" she asked.

"One way to find out! Come on!" Meliodas said leading her off of the coffin and outside.

The two exited their room before noticing the ominous names, "Wait is this?" Elizabeth looked around and saw the names. She soon felt tears fall down her eyes, "My baby, all my grandchildren, they were entombed with us." she said almost breaking down.

"Elizabeth, I know it's a hard concept to understand, but we have to move on. We came back for a reason. There's a chance fishcake is out there and if I'm right, he must have found everyone by now." Meliodas reasoned.

Elizabeth wanted to argue, but her second chance (technically 108th) was here. She could always pay tribute to her child and grandchildren once she made sure her current one was fine. Nodding she followed Meliodas outside and found the clan busy as ever before they made their way to the main government building.

"Stay where you are imposters!" yelled a couple of guards as the couple were surrounded by spears and swords.

"So you two think now is a good time to impersonate Meliodas and Elizabeth?" asked Jenna who approached them.

"But Jenna it really is us! I don't know what happened, but Meliodas and I woke up in our tomb!" Elizabeth said trying to reason with her.

"Sure your the real Elizabeth and I'm the Supreme Deity." Jenna responded.

"Jenna I can guarantee you I'm the real Meliodas." everyone raised a brow at that.

"Meliodas, hurry I don't think- AH!" Elizabeth was interrupted as Meliodas began to grope her breasts while doing a 69 shaped pose to stare at her panties.

"Elizabeth you should get these changed, it's been several millennia and you haven't showered." Meliodas said bluntly making everyone sweat drop.

"So your a pervert and an idiot. Anyone can fill that role. Take them away guys." Jenna ordered only to hear a sudden drop making the room go silent.

"I don't care if you believe us or not, I'll find someone who does!" Meliodas said entering assault mode and grabbing Elizabeth bridal style.

Everyone stepped back, especially the newer generation who weren't born when Meliodas was at full power. Jenna gave in and let them pass into the human realm.

"Jenna was that really...?" Zaneri asked.

"I think... it was... but how?" Jenna asked.

"We need to check their coffin right away." Zaneri suggested getting a nod.

"I think they'll be more concerned about fishcake." Jenna muttered.


Meliodas made it through the portal and started flying through the village only to go wide eyed in its current state.

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