The fight/Arguement

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Nobody POV
Shirabu was still crying,Taichi and Goshiki were worried so Taichi grabbed his phone and called Terushima."Uh yes hello?"Teru said "Umm about the date I have to cancel it"Taichi said "Oh I was gonna ask you the same thing but question you don't like me right?"Teru asked him "Oh I don't why?"Taichi said ok confusion "Well you see here I don't like you and I'm in a relationship at the moment sorry"Teru said not trying to sound rude "Phew good cause I'm already in love with someone else but your still hot"Taichi told Teru "I know I am well I got to go now bye!"Teru said "bye Teru"Taichi said before hanging up the phone.Shirabu was still on the phone with Tendo and all he can hear is Semi and Tendo arguing,Thetrio was like:👁👄👁.They were just hearing them argue and the others trying to stop Tendo from attacking him,Then you can hear semi yelling at Tendo to get off from him.Glass was heard shattering and things being thrown around.

Few minutes later~

Nobody POV
"I DIDNT FUCKING KNOW TENDO WHAT THE FUCK!"Semi yelled at Tendo "WELL MAYBE FUCKING CONTROL YOURSELF WHEN YOUR DRUNK GOD DAMMIT YOUR THE DAMN REASON WHY SHIRABU IS LIKE THIS"Tendo yelled at him back. "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN HE COULDVE AT LEAST STOP ME OR SOMETHING!"Semi yelled back at Tendo "HE TRIED EITA HE FUCKING TRIED YET YOU FORCED YOURSELF ON HIM YOU FORCED HIM EITA FORCE!!"Tendo yelled "Okay let's all calm down now"Yamagata said "DONT TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN WHEN I NEED TO SAY SOMETHING IM GOING TO SAY IT DONT TRY TO FUCKING STOP ME"Tendo yelled at Yamagata "SATORI JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR YELLING AT ME FOR WHAT AGAIN!OH WAIT BECAUSE I DIDNT KNOW I FUCKING RAPED SHIRABU"Semi yelled at Tendo "YOU CANT HEAR WHAT YOUR SAYING RIGHT NOW OR WHAT EITA?!"Tendo kept yelling.  "IS IT MY FAULT HE WAS DRESSED AS A SLUT LIKE HIS OTHER TWO FRIENDS?!"Semi yelled,Shirabu got upset and Taichi and Goshiki were mad cause of what he just said."I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT"Tendo yelled before hearing a loud slapping noise.Everyone stood quiet especially the third years after seeing Tendo slapped the shit out of Semi.  "WHO WAS DRESSED AS A SLUT AGAIN TELL ME"Tendo yelled at semis face,Semi didn't say anything he just stood there in shock "Get out."Tendo said "Wha-"Semi tried to say "I SAID GET OUT"Tendo yelled at Semi. "I WANT EVERYONE OUT NOW"Tendo yelled.Everyone left Tendo house and nobody realized he was still on the phone."Uh hello Tendo?.."Shirabu spoke in the phone "Oh you heard that sorry.."Tendo apologized "No it's fine don't worry"Shirabu said "Well I'm going to hang up now bye Shirabu see you tomorrow"Tendo said before hanging up the phone.The trio was wondering what did they just witness and will they be okay tomorrow for practice.

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