Shirabus "Parents" house

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They arrived at there destination "Why are we hear my at "Parents" house?"Shirabu asked "Because we are gonna break in and damaged things"Tendo said with a huge smile on his face. Shirabu didn't care,they did so many things to him that will never be unforgivable so this was part of his revenge.Shirabu knew where the extra key was,it was under the plant by the porch.They went inside to find everything was still on the same place, Shirabu went into his parents room.He had a smile on his face,his dad owned a safe filled with money.He went towards the closet,he went into the secret room behind all ten clothes.He then opened the door to find the room,there it was the safe.Shirabu had always watched his dad put the code in even when he was specifically told not to or ever go In the room.He didn't care he went towards the safe and put the code in '55675993',The safe opened.Stack of 100's together were seen in the safe, Shirabu took a few stacks of hundreds but not all of it.Then he left the hidden room,he didn't forget about his step mom either.He went through her jewelry and found her Wedding ring, the diamond costed about 200k. Shirabu knew he was going to sell it,he put the ring in his pockets,he went back with his friends."Wow Shirabu where'd you get that much cash?!"Taichi said when he saw shirabus hands "My dads what else?"Shirabu replied "He's that rich?!"Goshiki said "I guess you can say that but look what else I have"Shirabu said as he pulled out the wedding ring.
"A ring?"Tendo said "Yeah my step moms wedding ring,I can sell the diamond for about 200k"Shirabu explained.They didn't say anything but wrecked the place,after they did they left the house and Shirabu put the key back so it wouldn't be obvious.Tendo was driving back home "Honestly they deserve that"Taichi told them "Yeah they deserved it after they made Shirabu go through"Goshiki agreed.
"Well we're about to arrive at your house Shirabu"Tendo said.Shirabu checked his phone for the time to fine many miscalls and messages from Semi "Uh guys check your phone"Shirabu told them.They also had many messages and calls from the others, "We don't gotta explain right..?"Taichi asked "Nah just don't say nothing"Tendo told them.They all nodded and Goshiki gave Shirabu a bad to put all the money in,when they got there everyone was waiting for them in the living room."So where were you guys at?"Ohira asked "We went out for coffee"Tendo said,obviously lying to them."Lies because there was coffee on the stove"Semi corrected them "Oh my god fine you caught us..we went to chucky e cheese!"Goshiki said.Nobody believed him "Okay Goshiki we can stop lying to them..we went to go murder people"Taichi said.Nobody believed what they just said "Shirabu what really happened?"Ushijima asked him "What's with the bag?"Yamagata asked Shirabu."The bag is nothing but
we went to go visit my sister"Shirabu told them "So you guys were with her for about 4-5 hours and she lives an hour away from here?"Semi said in confusion "Well actually no,we went to go see here then she took us to go shopping with her to a store that was far from here"Shirabu lied to them "Calm her"Yamagata said "Why?"Shirabu asked "So we can know you guys aren't lying"Ōhira said "Um okay"Shirabu said and called his sister "Hey Amiko!"Shirabu said then coughed three times,"Hey Kenjirou sorry i woke you and your friends up to go with me to the store!"Amiko said hearing the coughs "Also Shirabu I think you should rest it seems like you've been getting a sick"She continue talking."Oh that's fine we didn't mind anyways!"Shirabu told her then faked sneeze but made it sound realistic.
"Oh well sorry anyways I know the place was pretty far but I gotta go bye!" Amiko said and hanged up the phone, They all looked at them "Sorry for not believing you but I know there's stuff in the bag"Yamagata said "Can we just see the bag for a sec"Semi said."Sorry privacy"Tendo said "As if"Semi said and  walked up to Shirabu and snatched the bag,"HEY YOU CANT TAKE IT AWAY!"Shirabu yelled he tried to go get it back but ushijima was holding him back.Semi opened the bag to find the money "Whered you get this from?"Semi asked them."Well you see, I am a cannibal and I need the money to buy people"Taichi said."Thats stupid"Ushijima responded "Ughhh fine I stole the money!"Shirabu confessed "From who?"Semi asked him
"My fucking parents who else?"Shirabu said and rolled his eyes "I'm not even going ask no more"Semi said and gave them the bag back.

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