Middle of the night

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It was 2 in the morning and the baby started to cry it woke up Semi but gladly Shirabu had soundproof walls so it didn't wake anybody else up.The baby also woke up Shirabu since he was in the same room,Semi grabbed the baby trying to calm it down while he was making a bottle "Semi..I can help you?"Shirabu said rubbing his eyes "No it's fine I'll deal with it just go back to sleep"Semi told him and smiled while he put the bottle in the baby's mouth. "You sure you don't need any help?"Shirabu asked him again "No I'm fine just go back to sleep"Semi told him again.Shirabu then got off the bed and walked to Semi and the baby,"Shira go back to bed"Semi told him "But I want you to sleep with me"Shirabu told him "Okay just wait till she falls asleep" Semi told him "Oh okay but can We change her clothes she looks like she's sweating in them"Shirabu told semi "Yeah"Semi laid the baby on the bed and took off her onesie and walked to the bag that had the clothes in,he pulled out a shirt and shorts,the baby was still drinking the milk so he gently put her clothes on.After a few minutes the baby had finish the bottle and was going to sleep,Shirabu had her in his hands and was rocking it to sleep while semi was right there next to him."Semi you really care for her right"Shirabu told semi "Of course I do she is our kid after all"Semi told him and it made Shirabu have a little blush in his cheeks,Semi also had blush on his cheeks."Mhm well she's asleep now let's put her back in her crib"Shirabu said "Mmm I'll put her back or do you want to?"Semi asked Shirabu "I want to but can you help me up I'm scared I'm going to drop her"Shirabu told semi "Okay"Semi replied.Semi helped Shirabu get up and walk with him to the crib and gently laid her down and covered her up."Okay Cmon let's go back to bed"Semi told Shirabu as he picked him up and laid him down the bed,then laid right next to him.

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