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Nobody POV
Goshiki came back to his house and got ready,the trio were all dressed in there outfits they had planned to wear.Shirabu took a mirror picture of all them 3 and posted it on his Instagram.The third years saw what he posted and Tendo smirked "Ugh they look so good"Tendo said on purpose "Yeah yeah whatever"Yamagata muffled in then pillow."Get your ugly ass up"Semi told Yamagata "No"He muffled in the pillow "Bruh don't just cry all day you need to have fun"Ohira said "Yeah he's right have fun to get your mind off from him"Ushijima said "But how if he's also gonna be here"Yamagata said looking at his friends.  "Oh dear lord you look like a crying mess"Tendo said "Well fuck you"Yamagata told Tendo "Cmon just get ready"Semi said.Yamagata didn't want to get up so the ushijima had to drag him out himself,after that Yamagata decided to get ready for the party.Later on the trio came,they look outstanding.The third years just didn't say nothing knowing they wanted to compliment them but that would've been weird.Taichi immediately went to go find the drinks and once he found them he started to drink.Soon after Goshiki joined but Shirabu didn't want to drink because he still needs to take these two home and he doesn't really trust the third years.Then semi,Tendo,Yamagata and Ohira were soon also drinking.Ushijima didn't drink cause he also has to take care of his friends to make sure they don't get in any trouble "Shirabu you can drink you know"Ushijima told Shirabu "Yeah I know but I need to take care of my friends" Shirabu replied "Aww cmon Shirabu don't be lame"Tendo said and he was already wasted "No I'm okay"Shirabu replied with a disgusted face.  "WAKATOSHI DRINK WITH ME"Tendo yelled at Ushijima "No"Ushijima replied "Pleasee~"Tendo said with his puppy eyes "Ugh fine"Ushijima said walking towards Tendo.Tendo passed him a drink then he started to drink,Shirabu knew he couldn't get wasted due to everyone being wasted besides him.'Are you serious'is what Shirabu thought,Shirabu called his sister to see if she was on her way and soon she was knocking at the door.Shirabu opened the door to her and then she looked at everyone who was drinking "Well going to join them" Shirabu sister who brought a pack of beer and liquor bottles.Then she started to get wasted with the others,Her and Tendo got along very well.Then while Shirabu was analyzing everyone he noticed Taichi was gone also with Yamagata.He searched around the house looking for them and then the final spot was upstairs.He went upstairs and open a random door to find them both making out "Taichi"Shirabu said and they both looked at Shirabu "Mhm"Taichi hummed as a repose."Get over here"Shirabu told him "But I don't want toooo"Taichi whined "Now" Shirabu gave him the look "Fine"Taichi said before walking to Shirabu.They left Yamagata up there and Taichi went downstairs with the others,Shirabu couldn't take care all of them at once they were a mess.Then semi came up to Shirabu and said "Hey shira you looking hot today~"He said that with a wink "Uhh Semi your drunk please control your actions"Shirabu told semi."And if I don't?"Semi kept getting closer to Shirabu.Shirabu kept trying to get semi to get away from him and Shirabu had no other choice but to slap him.Shirabu was quite scared to slap him but he did,he say semi getting upset but it didn't work as planned.Semi just kept getting closer until Shirabu hit himself on a wall."Uh semi please leave me alone"Shirabu told semi "No I'm not going slapped me"Semi said then slapped Shirabu in the face.Shirabu then pushed semi away from him but,semi grabbed Shirabu and pulled him in a room..semi forced himself onto Shirabu.Shirabu didn't want to but semi was drunk..Shirabu tried to push him away but couldn't.

After that..

Shirabu got dressed with tears running down his face,Semi was on the floor sleeping.Shirabu grabbed his keys and told his sister and his friends to hurry up.They all were in the truck and Goshiki looked at Shirabu and asked "Why are you crying?"he said with a concerned face "no reason"Shirabu said.It was a quite ride they just went straight to Shirabus,Shirabu made sure they were all showered cause they smelled like alcohol.Then they got dressed for bed.

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