Day two (real fun)

772 7 2

3rd pov
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING:eating disorder mention and more⚠️

Y/n was awake at 5 am drinking coffee that was already made from Donnie when he was awake at 12 am and y/n was the only one awake as the others were dead asleep as they thought as Donnie snuck up on them tapping them on the shoulder "gah!-" y/n then almost dropped kicked Donnie but he dodged "woah y/n it's Donnie-" he said with a bit of surprise on his face that y/n can fight "oh my goodness don't sneak up on me like that Donnie-" y/n said "sorry," Donnie said as he looked at y/n "but I saw you were awake quite early in the morning" Donnie said looking at them "yeah..i usually don't sleep much.." y/n said talking a sip from the coffee and there fox tail swayed "I see..well maybe I could hel-" Donnie was cut off "no no! It's fine I'm already allowed to live here I don't wanna ask for to much.." y/n said looking at Donnie "hm..if you say so, say could you help me with some tech in my lab?" Donnie asked to y/n "yeah sure," y/n said agreeing with Donnie they walk to his lab to work on some extra stuff "so what do you need help with?" y/n asked as they look at some stuff he had and was amazed "just with some simple stuff like upgrades some weapons." Donnies said looking back at y/n "cool just hand it over and I'll start working on what you need." y/n said "well you can't possibly think you can just help me just like that do you?" Donnie said looking at y/n raising a brow "yeah I can, just watch." y/n said proudly since they were the smartest person in there school "ok fine." Donnie said giving y/n a weapon that always glitches out "ok easy," y/n said as they started working on it and smiles as they started to make upgrades as well and Donnie was watching with amazement and surprised how fast y/n was getting a hang of it so fast "aaannddd done! Donnie." y/n said smiling giving the weapon back to Donnie "impressive y/n, but let's see if it works." Donnie said as he used it and was expecting it to glitch out but yet it did not "ooh and I love the upgrades, it's amazing, you did well," Donnie said as he smiled as he looked at y/n "thank you," y/n said smiling at Donnie with a smartass look "alright alright so you know how to work my stuff, honestly it's nice to have another smart one here." Donnie said with a generous smile "hehe," y/n said with a smile as it hit 7:02 am the others were awake and talking as y/n and Donnie continued to work on many things with tech things such as weapons and Leo entered with a smirk but it soon faded seeing how much work Donnie and y/n were getting done together "woah! Have y'all been working all night?" Leo said "no, just all morning, y/n is amazing at upgrading!" Donnie said with a smile "really? So you two have been working together?" Leo said with suspicion "yeah, it's honestly really fun," y/n said as they were upside down working on a a chain weapon "I see..well uh you guys have fun!" Leo said as he walked back to Raph and Mikey "uh so Donnie and y/n got along over night?.." Leo said to Raph and Mikey "huh? That fast? Donnie doesn't even like us in his lab but yet y/n is so easily welcomed? Like there cool but so easy?" Mikey said "right!?" Leo said Donnie and y/n were working and decided to take a coffee break and went into the kitchen to drink some "so I was thinking we should-" y/n was cut off "hey guys you've been in your lab all day so maybe you should hang with us right now," Raph said looking at them "hm? But we-" Donnie was cut off "ok good glad you agreed! Let's go get some food-" Leo was cut off by y/n "guys! We're working on something for you! Can you let us do that?" y/n said "for us? Why?" Mikey said with confusion "it's a thank you gift for letting me stay here!" y/n replied with a smile "I..ok how long will it take?" Raph asked "well after this break only two minutes so not long." Donnie said smiling "ok fine." Leo said with a smile "can't wait." he finished off as Donnie and y/n went back to work on there surprise

-2 minutes later-

"And it's done!!" Donnie said as he went to go grab his brothers "come on!" he said as he lead then back to the lab where y/n holding the vile of the liquid of the surprise for them "ooh that looks cool!" Mikey and Raph said smiling "yeah ok so take only one drop it will last a day" y/n said looking at them letting them take a turn to have a drop "ok," Leo said taking the first drop and the others did the same "ok now we wait, in 3 2 1" y/n counted down and then the guys transformed

Donnie x Reader ❣︎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚔❣︎Where stories live. Discover now