Mission (1)

370 8 7

3rd person
TW:very sad stuff qwq
Y/n was alone on the roof and the others where on a building from a far and y/n looked down looking for the room Donnie said the ring would be in "ok y/n it should be in the vault in big mamas office, you should see it right below you," D said in a lil ear piece where they can speak to each other "got it, thanks D." Y/n said and looked and saw it "bingo," y/n said and opened the window and slowly went in and dropped down quietly and started walking towards to the door but of course big mama got in the way "hello, have I seen you here before pinky-poo?" She said looking at y/n "well uh..I'm new around here," y/n said and looked at big mama "well, may I ask your reasoning of being here?" She asked "well..I am just coming by and only here for a bit." Y/n said while there tail swayed "I see, care for a dance?" Big mama said holding her hand out "um-" before even saying there reply big mama grabbed y/n and started dancing 'crap crap crap I can't dance-' y/n thought "oh..uh that can't be good," Mikey said looking at y/n dancing with big mama and Donnie was growling under his breath seeing big mama dancing with y/n

Y/n and big mama kept dancing and y/n was doing ok while dancing with big mama "your quite a fantastic dancer, pinky-poo~" big mama said in a flirting way "hehe.." y/n said and was uncomfortable and they continued to dance and the dance floor got crowded so then y/n was able to slip away from big mama and got in the vault "thank god.." y/n said "y/n got in!" Leo said smiling and Donnie was just happy big mama let go of y/n "ok, time to look for the ring.." y/n said and walked around looking for it and they heard the door opened and y/n ran and hid behind something "hm, well not in here." Y/n could tell it was big mama and heard her walking over 'shit shit..' y/n thought as big mama walked over and grabbed y/n "hello pinky poo~" big mama said while holding y/n and pulled them close..extremely close "this is a bit close-" y/n said and big mama smirked and held them closer "well how bout a bit closer~" big mama was being extremely flirty and y/n was so uncomfortable "please put me down," y/n asked nicely
TW:r@pe intended

Big mama held y/n agents the wall and y/n ears went down "p-please put me down.." y/n says "no I'm sorry~" big mama smirked and was about to kiss y/n(bruh I'm uncomfortable writing this qwq)Donnie Leo Raph and Mikey bust through the door "PUT THEM DOWN YOU HEATHEN!!!" Donnie yelled with pure rage "oh turtly boo's~ is this yours?" Big mama said referring to y/n "yes now hand them back over!" Leo said holding his sword "yeah can't you see there uncomfortable!?" Raph said concerned for Y/n "yeah put them down or I'll use Doctor delicate touch." Mikey said looking angry "oh Turtley poo's, so aggressive." Big mama said growing at them and y/n was trying to get away from her grasp Donnie snapped and hits big mama with his tech-bo to knock her away and he caught y/n "y/n!? Are you ok!?" Donnie said concerned and y/n coughed and nodded and y/n got a flash back and started to have a mental breakdown and started crying and Donnie sat down and held y/n close


Donnie x Reader ❣︎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚔❣︎Where stories live. Discover now