Chill day?..(day 3)

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⚠️Trigger warning of course⚠️

3rd pov

Y/n was kicking the foot clans butt as the others watched in amazement "look at them go.." Leo said with a smile "there so good!" Mikey said while smiling "but where did they learn to fight like that?" Raph said questing it "we'll ask later they gotta focus." Donnie said as they watch y/n continue to beat the foot clan, the foot clan run and y/n smiles knowing they won the fight "yeah y/n! You did amazing!" Mikey said giving y/n a high five "hehe thanks," y/n replied with a smile "let's go home.." y/n said stretching feeling.a little exhausted, "ok but can we go to a cafe? Ive never been to one," Mikey said "sure I know which one to go," y/n said and they started walking to one and they went inside y/n ordered a normal chocolate Frappuccino Donnie got a smores Frappuccino Mikey got a strawberry one and Raph got a cherry one, y/n paid and they sat a booth "this place is honestly my favorite place," y/n said and they drank there drink while looking out the window unaware of Donnie looking at them blushing 'there so cute..' Donnie thought but soon shook it off 'no there you friend and friend only..' Donnie thought as he continued to look at y/n, admiring them and there beauty and y/n looked at Donnie and Donnies eyes shot to looking outside trying to act like that's what he was looking at the whole time and y/n was looking at Donnie and blushed and continued to look outside
Leo Raph and Mikey realized whats happening and smirked "we'll be right back," Leo said as they left Donnie and y/n alone and went outside "ok so Donnie likes y/n," Leo said with a smirk "and y/n likes Donnie," Raph said with a smirk "but they think the other doesn't like them," Leo replied "so we have to help!" Mikey said smiling "yeah," Leo said as they walk back in Donnie and y/n were having a conversation about there weapons and what upgrades they should make "oh me gosh we should've saw you guys would start speaking nerd," Leo said chucking as they sat back down "oh whatever Leo," y/n said with a chuckle as they continue to talk about small things " I was wondering y/n" Leo said looking at y/n "hm?" y/n looked at Leo "do you want to get your stuff from your parents house?.." Leo asked knowing it's gonna be hard for them to answer "I..yeah I do but-" y/n was cut off "then we'll help you, promise." Raph said smiling at y/n "I..ok..but my parents are rude so..lets be careful when we do.." y/n said "well how about we go now?" Mikey said ready to go "..sure" y/n said as they got up and started walking to y/n's house and y/n stood at the door feeling scared "I..i don't know if we should do this.." y/n said looking at them "it's ok as long as we are here your safe." Leo said as Mikey Raph and Donnie noded in agreement "ok.." y/n said as they knocked on the door and there mother opened it "y/n! Where have you been you br-..oh you brought fr-" y/n's mom was cut off "were here to grab the rest of y/n's stuff there moving in with us," Donnie said "what!?" y/n's dad yelled from across the house and walked on over"no she is not." y/n's dad said "there not a she, they go by they them sir." Donnie said and Raph continued the sentence "yeah and you should appreciate there pronouns." Raph said crossing his arms "absolutely not. That's nonsense." y/n's mom said looking upset "were here to get there stuff to argue with a dum dum like you two." Donnie said holding y/n's shoulder showing he's not kidding "why you brat-" y/n's mom was cut off "I'm here for my stuff, I'm not living with you anymore..your to abusive.." y/n said looking at there parents and pushed aside them and started grabbing there stuff and there parents were starring down Donnie "they will st-" y/n's parents were cut off "no they won't. You heard them they want to leave they don't want to stay with you." Leo said "your toxic and abusive, they're staying with us." Raph continued the sentence "and they will never have to deal with you again." Mikey continued "us and our father will make sure of that." Donnie finished off and y/n came back with there stuff "y/n you can't just leave!" y/n's dad said with anger " done." y/n said looking at them "I will never EVER! Be like you, and I never wanna see your face ever again.." y/n said signed and said bye as they started walking to the lair and there parents were yelling for them to come back but y/n ignored it
They just continued walking "we understand that was hard for you y/n.." Raph said looking at them "it's fine, I get to stay with my best friends and that's that." Y/n replied Mikey smiled and high fived y/n with a smile "heck yeah!" Mikey said smiling and they went into the lair and y/n flopped onto the couch and grunted in a little bit of exhaustion "well that was fun." Leo said looking at y/n "I guess." Y/n replied looking back at Leo but then at Donnie "thanks for helping with the weapon Donn-" y/n was cut off "my family and friends call me D," Donnie said looking at y/n with a smile, y/n was a little shocked but smiled back "thanks for helping with the weapon D," y/n replied smiling and they got up walking to Donnies lab and laid on there bed and was transformed back into the fox form and blushed realizing they were only in there underwear and shot up covering themselves in a blanket "Hey D!!" Y/n yelled for Donnie and he came over, "what's up-" Donnie blushed and looked away "Y/N!-" Donnie was cut off "can I borrow some clothes please? I think mine teared when I changed back-" y/n said and Donnie nodded "all of our clothes kinda teared cause of our shells especially Raphs," Donnie replied and gave y/n a hoodie and some spare booty shorts and y/n put them on it was a purple hoodie and the sleeves had black stripes and simple black booty shorts "thanks D," y/n said putting there fluffy blanket back on there bed "no probles," Donnie replied with a smile "oh and we're gonna have t o sleep early cause we have a big mission with big mama," Donnie said and was gonna pat y/n's head like he does with Mikey but y/n was to tall and they flinched "oh y-y/n I would never.." Donnie was cut off "I-it's fine..just will take a while to get use to ya know?" Y/n replied rubbing the back of there head "it's ok, you can easily take your time," Donnie said smiling "yeah..well let's sleep shall we? It's already quite late" y/n said while laying down and puts there blanket on them "oh wait y/n.." Donnie said "what's up, D?" Y/n replied looking at him "I saw you couldn't sleep well without cuddling your pillow so you something.." Donnie said looking at y/n blushing a bit "oh?" Y/n replied looking at him as he gave them the plush

Y/n's eyes sparkled with joy and they took it cuddling it "oh me gosh! Thank you so much D!!" Y/n said smiling wildly cuddling it and squeezing it "no probles," Donnie said smiling and got in his bed and y/n laid down cuddling the plush and smelle...

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Y/n's eyes sparkled with joy and they took it cuddling it "oh me gosh! Thank you so much D!!" Y/n said smiling wildly cuddling it and squeezing it "no probles," Donnie said smiling and got in his bed and y/n laid down cuddling the plush and smelled it and it smelled like Donnie and y/n blushed and cuddles it more and smiled as they fell asleep

The next day

Y/n was awake and got out of the bathroom wearing an outfit
(The outfit)

And styled there hair fluffy and dyed it pink sense the green they had was getting gross looking Donnie and them were already awake and y/n walked to the living room "so how do you guys like the new look?" Y/n said looking at them, they looked at ...

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And styled there hair fluffy and dyed it pink sense the green they had was getting gross looking Donnie and them were already awake and y/n walked to the living room "so how do you guys like the new look?" Y/n said looking at them, they looked at y/n with shock "WOAH!!" Mikey said looking at y/n they were amazed looking at y/n and Donnie was blushing "hey D, purples your favorite color ain't it?" Leo whispered to him with a smirk and Donnie blushed and pushed his face away "shut up-" Donnie said as he looked back at y/n "you look amazing y/n," Donnie said smiling "thanks, D" y/n replied with a smile "now let's go fight big mama shall we?" y/n said smiling Raph smiled as they all started to get read they walked to big mamas hotel "ok we sneak in," Leo started "get the ring," Raph continued "get out" Mikey said "then we make sure no one else get the ring," Y/n and Donnie said at the same time and chuckled

"Let's do this," y/n said smiling while bringing out there weapon

Donnie x Reader ❣︎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚔❣︎Where stories live. Discover now