Day one (the first meeting)

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Y/N -⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️-
3rd person POV
Y/n was eating pizza while walking back to there place and suddenly someone bumped into them "ack!-" y/n said and fell and the pizza dropped "oh I'm sorry-" the other tried to say but was cut off by another "DONNIE LETS GO!" the other said and the person ran off and y/n got up and saw there pizza was ruined "man..i still wanted that..and I have no more money anymore." YN said and sighed as they countied walking and heard some Misqeto flying around there head and it bit them and y/n yelped in pain and smacked it away and started turning into a mutant, a mutant fox to be specific.
They ran into an alley way and hid realizing what they've been turned into
Looking around trying to find where to go as there panicking and saw a flash and saw the turtles standing there fighting a..hippo? After watching the hippo ran away saying 'I'll get your back' or some shiz like that and you look at the turtles a big red one a blue one orange and..purple? Hey my favorite color y/n was snapped out of there thoughts by the red one came up to them
"Hi," he said "um..hi?" y/n said waving back "im Raph and those are my brothers." he pointed to the rest as they waved, you wave back " y/n" you said "that's a pretty name!" Raph said smiling "T-thanks.." you said smiling "hey your really cool wanna chill at our place?" he said with a very puppy happy smile "uh..sure!" you said smiling back to him and they walk with you to the lair introducing themselves "I'm Leo, the pretty one." Leo said "Leo, really? Anyways I'm Mikey!" Mikey said smiling and shook y/n's hand "and I'm Donnie.." Donnie said as he continued to look at his phone, y/n smile as they enter the lair and led y/n there as they went in y/n was amazed "oh my god! This place is so cool!" y/n said smiling and there fox tail wagged
Donnie looked at there tail "hm.." but minded his business "thanks! It's our home sweet home!" Mikey said smiling at y/n "it's a very good one!" Y/n said smiling and walked around "woah your own skate ramp!?" y/n said amazed "yep! You got skills?" Mikey said looking at y/n "hell yeah I do!" y/n smiles and pulled there skateboard from there backpack and started riding Leo Mikey and Raph where amazed by there skills and Donnie as usual was heading to his lab to work as excited he was to have someone new he knew he still had much work to do "go! Y/n!" Leo said as he cheered y/n on as they continued to skate on the ramp

-a few hours-

"Woo that was so much fun!" Mikey said smiling and high fiving y/n and they smiled "yesh it was!" y/n said "but I should get going back to my place.." y/n said as there smile faded out of sadness "huh why?" Leo said "and why do you sound so sad about it?.." Raph continued with concernd on his face and in his voice "uh..well.." y/n said with sadness as there ears go down they didn't like there home cause there parents were abusive and harsh and never accepted them for who they were " parents.." y/n said looking away "what about them?.." Leo said "if it isn't to much.." Mikey said "there kinda..abusive and really mean to me.." y/n said trying there hardest not to break into tears and scream "oh my god.." is what the boys were gonna say but instead Splinter who was behind them said it "really?.." Splinter asked y/n and they nod there head "that will not live with us now," Splinter said "h-huh!?..but I don't wanna intru-" y/n was cut off "it doesn't matter, you deserve better y/n." Splinter said as his parenting mode kicked in "I..t-thank you.." y/n said smiling at splinter "no problem y/n." he said as he walked to his room to sleep as usual Mikey smiled at y/n "yes! We get a is your gender?" Mikey asked "um..i go by any gender so I don't mind what you call me," y/n said "sweet! We have a new brother!!" Mikey said with a excitement "but where will he be sleeping?" Raph said while thinking "I don't know.." Leo said "I'm fine with just sleeping-" y/n was cut off again "you can sleep in Donnies room it has extra space!" Leo said with a smirk "I..ok?" Y/n said with a smile and the boys said goodnight and Leo lead y/n to Donnies lab "oh dear brother!" Leo said looking at Donnie "you want something don't you?" Donnie said as he looked at Leo with his goggles on "whaaatt?..yeah," Leo said "well hurry up-" Donnie was cut off "y/n need to sleep in your room sense it has more space." Leo said kinda quick "..what-" Donnie said "good glad you agree! Goodnight!" Leo said smirking and left to his room leaving Y/n and Donnie in awkward silence until Donnie broke it "you can sleep on the extra bed y/n.." he said as he looked at them "I..uh sure thanks," y/n said smiling "no probles." Donnie said as he continued to work
'Tomorrow will be a long day.' Donnie and y/n thought at them same time


Donnie x Reader ❣︎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚔❣︎Where stories live. Discover now