Hooded Stranger

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(Y/N)'s POV

Kazuto and i sat at a podium and focused our gaze on the guy at the front, the man was explaining about the whole plan and the boss we're about to face. Eventually, he made a point that we should all be in pairs of two or three so that someone is always there to help. Normally Kazuto plays a lone wolf but im here so he immediately teamed up with me.

I looked around and saw someone wearing a hood that seemed to be alone. Not wanting to leave them out, i poked Kazuto's shoulder and whispered.

(Y/N) "hey. I think that person doesn't have a teammate."

Kazuto "well... they don't seem to be looking for one. Maybe they just want to be alone."

(Y/N) "oh come on. Not everyone is as stoic as you. Besides, i'd rather we not have casualties here..."

I got up from my seat and walked over to the hooded figure, sitting next to them.

Kazuto "wait- what are you doing?-"

(Y/N) "hi! I see you don't have a teammate yet. Wanna join mine?"

I sent her the invite. She opened up her tab and looked at it for a few seconds before accepting. I could have sworn i heard a small whisper of 'thanks' as i walked back to sit with Kazuto.

Kazuto "why'd you do that? You don't even know that person! And that hood makes them look shady as hell."

(Y/N) "would you rather they be killed alone in the fight?"

Kazuto "n-no..."

(Y/N) "then it's settled! We watch over eachother! Besides, you're a pro at this! You can watch over everyone!"

Kazuto "i guess..."

(Y/N) "alright. Let's-a-go!"

Kazuto "heh. Alright Nintendo boy."

Kazuto chuckled as he grabbed my hand and walked over to that hooded figure. We all teleported to the assigned floor and Kazuto let go as we all began to go through the dungeon.

The boss in this level was supposed to be a giant bipedal beast that weilds a weapon. Huh... i guess i should have paid attention to what that guy was saying... oh well! Im a quick learner, i can pick up on the way!

We made it to the boss chamber. A long hallway with pillars and stained glass windows. The players who were participating all looked around anxious for what might come. Im not gonna lie, even im a bit nervous but... seeing Kazuto stand beside me and knowing that he'll protect me does take a lot of weight off my chest.

Suddenly, the room went dark as the boss appeared infront of us. We all held our blades in a deffensive stance.

Our squad leader began to send the players in one squad at a time. Everything was going as planned. That is until the second phase kicked in...

The boss' weapon changed into a machete of sorts. I know i wasn't paying attention, but i could have sworn our leader said it was a halberd-!

I looked to my right and it looks like Kazuto picked that up as well.

Kazuto "wait! Don't attack!"

The beast swung it's sword, hitting our leader and sending him flying to the back!

Kazuto "No! (Y/N), help him! I need to finish this quick!"

(Y/N) "o-okay. Be careful!"

Kazuto "you too."

We both ran in opposing directions. When i got there, i saw only a sliver of his health was left and it was draining fast. Machetes often have bleeding damage so that's probably why. I helped him drink a health potion and it did heal him for a bit but then that bleed damage kicked in again, sending his health down. Damn it! If only there were magic!

Ugh! I know i said i won't hack the system but this is urgent. Sorry Kazuto, but im sure you'll understand.

While no one was looking, i pulled out my commamd console and selected him. I typed in 'setav. Healthregenrate 3' so his regeneration will be 3 times as fast as normal. I entered in the command but... nothing happened. His health was still racing down!

I typed it again and increased the number on it. 5. 6. 7. 8. But nothing worked!

Before i was able to do anything else, the man turned into polygons in my lap... no... i...

How can this be....

Kirito's POV

The boss is down! Only one. More. STRRIIIIKKKEEE!!!! My blade bursts into a flurry of blue particles as i cut the boss in half. It screaming as it turned to polygons.

??? "We did it...?"

A big holographic message saying 'CONGRATULATIONS!' appeared and everyone cheered. I couldn't help but laugh a bit as well.

The hooded girl who's hood is now gome and who's name i learned was Asuna approached me.

Asuna "that was a pretty cool stunt you pulled there."

Kirito "not bad yourself."

Asuna "thanks."

We stayed silent for a bit until i remembered...

Kirito "(Y/N)!"

I finally remembered that i left him to tend to that guy. I looked around and the crowd seemingly parted to reveal him. He was looking down at the floor and looked to be at the verge of tears.

I ran to him and hugged him. Asuna seemingly following and stopping a distance away from us.

(Y/N) "im sorry... i couldn't...."

His voice was cracking as i felt him begining to sob. I rubbed his back to try and calm him.

Kirito "it's okay, (Y/N). It's okay... you did everything you could..."

We stayed like that for a few minutes, the crowd kept their silence as Asuna began to walk towards us.

Asuna "h-hey... it's alright... it wasn't your fault..."

It took him a while but eventually (Y/N) stopped crying and we all left the floor.

Asuna and us parted ways as i took him back to our inn. Even as i tucked him into bed, i can still see his eyes pained with sadness and guilt. I hugged him from behind and whispered words to try calming him. Eventually he did and was able to finally fall asleep...

I am so so sorry i neglected this story for so long. I just lost interest in SAO but im coming back to it now! From here on out the plot of this story won't be like the plot of SAO because i stopped watching it. Im just gonna use the characters and my own story line. I will also be introducing some new elements so keep an eye open for that.

With all that said, have a lovely day and i'll see you in the next one! Bye byeeee!!

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