Familiar Faces

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(Y/N)'s POV

A day has passed since we started staying at Agil's blacksmith shop. Thankfully, due to his line of work, Agil gets a lot of customers from all sorts of people and we now know who's been looking for me. A guild of sorts simply called Eden /Go ahead and choose a guild name of your own. Should you wish/

Im not sure how exactly, but from what i gathered when eavesdropping o their questions, they knew a frightening amount about me. My name, how i look, even going so far as to know my play-style! I don't know who gave them the information as it can't be Kazuto but i struggle to think of anyone else that would know these things!


No. No, no way! They can't possibly be that dumb!

*sigh* well i guess there's nothing left to do other than to just wait this out. Kazuto is out doing missions meanwhile im here with Agil just trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my command console-

Agil "(Y/N)! Go hide! Now!"

(Y/N) "h-huh?"

Agil bursted through the door and told me to hide. I ran through hallways and hid inside one of the kitchen cabinets. Being short has it's advantages.

I closed the cabinet doors and waited while holding my dagger.

I heard footsteps. Two- no! Three pairs of them...

Damn... well if things go downhill, at least that command still works but... is it even right to do it...?

The footsteps got louder and i gripped my dagger tightly. My heart raced and i was ready to strike at anything that opens this cabinet door. That is until...

Kazuto "(Y/N)? Where are you? It's okay, you can come out!"

Kazuto? Is that really him?

I opened the cupboard and peeked through. I think i see Kazuto's coat pass the doorway but it's hard to confirm...

Then suddenly, something pulled open the cabinet door. I jumped out and pulled whoever that guy was In front of me and held my dagger to his throat.

We struggled for a bit but then Kazuto entered the kitchen with another person next to him.

Kazuto "whoa whoa! Calm down, (Y/N)! It's alright."

Kazuto walked over to me and held my arm, slowly lowering my dagger and letting the guy i was holding free.

(???) "Yikes. had i known you could do that, i wouldn't be worried about you getting bullied."

(Y/N) "what...? who are you?"

(???) "forgot a friend already huh?"

the one i was holding hostage lifted up his helmet and revealed his face.

no way....

(Y/N) "HUGO?!"

Hugo "hey (Y/N)." he said waving at me with a smile.

i ran to my bestfriend and hugged him. Hugo laughed and wrapped his arms around me too.

Hugo "sorry for giving you a scare. when i heard reports of a command console, i knew it was you."

i pulled away from him and looked at him curiously.

(Y/N) "wait... but how did you know it was me? there are more than a hundred thousand people playing this game."

Hugo "well Ren here was with you on clearing the floor a few days ago. he reported seeing someone - rather short with (H/C) coloured hair, open up a strange console and traveled around with a person wearing a black coat. the clues all matched up."

i looked at the Ren person Hugo mentioned. he had short purple coloured hair and smiled nervously at me while waving his hand.

Kazuto "well that's all well and good, but other people may have also noticed the command console too. that's why (Y/N) is in hiding right now."

Hugo "yeah, i suspected as much. and that's exactly why you're going to join our guild!"

Kazuto "let's not get ahead of ourselves. i told you that (Y/N) will be the one who makes the decision to join or not."

Everyone looked straight at me.

(Y/N) "w-w-wait just a second. what guild?"

Hugo "hmm... maybe it's best just to show you..."

(Y/N) "show me what?"

Hugo "come on. let's go to our guild's HQ so you can see what we're about first."

I looked at Kazuto. he knew Hugo and although all three of us were in different classes, we still hung out a lot on each recess. Even so, the look on Kazuto's face shows doubt. He looked at me and then nodded, passing the decision fully onto me.

I looked at Hugo and agreed. he smiled happily before leading Kazuto and I out of Agil's shop with Ren following behind us. About fifteen minutes later and we made it into a tavern on the outskirts of the city named The Hooded Owl. The tavern looked moderately full with people drinking, singing, and socializing with one another.

(Y/N) "is this your headquarters?"

Hugo "huh? oh no no no, this is just the entrance."

Hugo walked over to the bartender and said a few words in hushed tones. the bartender nodded and then led us to the back room and revealed a hidden door after pulling a book on one of the bookshelves.

Yeah go figure. the secret passage lead down a stairwell and at the bottom we entered a dimly lit room with a portal of sorts.

Ren walked into the portal and vanished. presumably whisked away to who-knows-where. Hugo looked at me with a smile.

Hugo "there. just walk through it. it'll bring you directly to our hideout."

I looked at Kazuto and just shrugged as i walk over to the portal and readied myself for teleportation. I looked behind me and saw Hugo with two thumbs up and Kazuto giving me a warm smile.

Kazuto "go on. I'll go right after you."

(Y/N) "alright... see you on the other side."

Putting on a brave face, i slowly walked forward into the blinding lights and flashed as particles surrounded me.

Wonder where this'll take me...

(I'm still drawing how Ren and Hugo looks but if you wish, you can imagine your own takes on them. Hugo in particular will play a significant part in the rest of the story.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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