First Steps

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Kazuto brought us to the wide open fields of floeating islands. Among the grassy landscapes are packs of boars which i assume are what he's gonna use as training material. I've played more than enough RPGs to know that these are probably the 'slimes' of this world.

I insisted that Klein go first since im still a little nervous. Kazuto brought him infront of one of the boars and told him to begin well... fighting. The boar charged and Klein was swiftly knocked over.


Kazuto helped him up and finished off the boar with only a swing of his sword.
I decided to tune them out for a while, although the examples may be useful for my own training, im sure i know how it'll work. I play games a lot so it's not like im new to this. Besides, Kazuto has told me the basics about the game. I mean, i had an early access from him but i never actually entered the game. I just tweaked it a bit to get something into the game. I'll show you later what it is.

Kazuto "Okay, (Y/N). You ready?"

Kazuto called for me to begin my own training. I walked over to his side and we both faced a boar who looked ready to charge. Klein was over on the side playing with his sword and taking occasional glimpses at us. Kazuto placed a hand gently on my shoulder, it helped a little with my nervousness.

Kazuto "alright. So what i want you to do is just focus. Look at the boar and have your sword at the ready."

I did as he said, getting into deffensive position and gripping my sword tightly.

Kazuto "thats it... now, let tge boar charge first. Wait until you get an opening, then strike!"

(Y/N) "got it."

Kazuto nodded and took a few steps back.

I stared into the boar's crimson eyes as it did to mine. I narrowed my gaze at it, as if accepting my challange, the beast roared and then charged.

Taking a side-step to the left, i dodged it. Time seemed to slow down a little as i looked back at the beast, both it and i still in motion. I saw what Kazuto meant, an opening! It's side is completely unprotected.

I narrowed my eyes once more and gripped my dagger. My feet finally landed on the grass and i bent my knees. With my dagger behind me, i charged towards the boar's side. (F/C) (Favourite colour) sparks emerged from my blade as i sliced the boar from the side.

I dropped back to the grassy fields as time begins to go back to normal and looked behind me only to realize that i was on the other side of the boar which soon dropped to the ground and turn into polygons.

It took me a while to register my victory, but after i did i jumped up in the air and flung my arms happily.

(Y/N) "YEAH!!!"

Kazuto "Good job (Y/N)!" He said as he made his way toward me.

I jumped to him and gave him a quick hug. He laugh and returned the gesture to me. After we departed, Klein walked over to us and congratulated me also.

Klein "That was pretty cool! How did you learn that so quickly?"

(Y/N) "Well i like to play games so this isn't too big of a shock to me."

Kazuto "That being said, it is a bit different than what you're used to."

(Y/N) "huh? What do you mean?"

Kazuto "Well... in Sword Art Online, there is no magic. No spells, staves, or anything that you're used to."

Oh right... i forgot about that... here in SAO, there are no magic elements. Which means no healing spells, no magic shields, no offensive spells.

(Y/N) "aw man... i was waiting so badly to shoot a fire ball!"

Kazuto laughed heartily along with Kleid and patted my head. We noticed that the skies were turning orange and decided to sit down on the grassy fields and enjoy the sunset.

The three of us stared out into the floating islands and the warm orange light blanketing them. This virtual world may seem a bit weird, but i gotta admit, it's pretty beautiful.

I rested my head on Kazuto's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me. We stayed like that for a while. Just enjoying eachother's company. Im happy i met him, and im happy that i get to be the one to call him my boyfriend.

But why does something feel off... a bad feeling in my gut... a calm... before the storm...

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