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(Y/N)'s POV

Kazuto and i are in the inn that we rented out. He was pacing back and forth while thinking meanwhile i was sitting on the side of the bed.

(Y/N) "Well... this is a conondrum..."

Kazuto "Tell me about it..."

Apparently, this game was a death trap. Akihiko made it so that no one can leave after they entered. Now all our conciousnes are stuck here meanwhile our bodies are in the real world.

Personally, im not too worried about it. I just hope none of my family would come to this death trap too. Me and Kazuto can find a way out. I know we will!

I looked back to my boyfriend who is still pacing around. He looked worried. I grabbed his hand right as he walked past me. He looked back at me and then began to calmed down. I slowly pulled him over and sat him down next to me on the bed. For a second his eyes looked at the floor before looking at mine.

(Y/N) "What's wrong Kazuto?"

Kazuto "Im just... Im worried."

(Y/N) "Wait. You? Of all people you're worried about this?"

Kazuto "Im not worried about me... Im worried about you!"

(Y/N) "Me?"

Kazuto "Yes. I don't have parents and there isn't anyone waiting for me out there. But you... you still have your mom and dad, and your brother too. You still have your circle of friends in school, you have people waiting for you out there."

Kazuto stopped talking for a few seconds.

Kazuto "If i die here... no one's gonna miss me. But you, if you die, i don't know what i'd do."

I've heard enough of this bullshit. I stopped him, and held his shoulders tightly. I looked him dead in the eye.

(Y/N) "Kazuto." I said sternly. I got his complete attention and he looked at me wide-eyed.

(Y/N) "We're not going to die. We're getting out of here alive, together."

Kazuto softened his look and gave me a small smile. He nodded in understanding. Seeing as he's probably tired, i decided to cut our chat short for the night. Kazuto got in the bed we were sitting on and rolled over to the corner against the wall. I blew out the candle and then got in the bed as well, rolling to his direction, our face only inches appart, i said 'good night' to him and he did the same for me. After that, we closed our eyes and fell into slumber.


I opened my eyes to the sight of an empty space next to me with messy blankets. I supported myself up with my hands and looked around. It was the inn room that me and Kazuto was staying in, through the wooden framed window and deep green curtains, streaks of sunlight shone through, lighting up the relatively dark room.

I looked around and saw no sign of Kazuto, his sword and armour was gone too. So it's fair to assume that he probably went out.

I got out of bed, and into the bathroom connected to our room. Although this world is purely virtual, it's amazing how real it feels. Anyway, i finished my bathing toutine, went out tidied the bed and decided to wait for my boyfriend instead of just running out on my own.

I sat down on a chair and opened up a special little console of mine. A (F/C) holographic screen filled with numbers, jumbled words, and odd symbols. In short; this is what i use to play out my talents; hacking.

I put one of my hands on the wooden table next to me and pressed a few buttons on the screen. Soon enough, a few lines popped up and right off the bat i could see a line of numbers '00149588.' That is what's known as a 'base id.' I scrolled down and saw the name of the table 'woodentable-common01' this is the in-game name for the table. I pulled up a second command console and typed in 'search woodentable-common01' and then many lines of numbers showed up. These numbers are known as a 'referance id.'

Now you may be wondering "what's with all this technical nonsense?" Well you see, this world is completely virtual, and although i can feel this table, it's only what the nerve-gear is doing. This table is basically made from coding scripts layered with a model and texture. Essentially it's just a group of 0's and 1's. Which means none of this is real.

By knowing the referance id and base id. I can essentially just make a copy of this table pop up wherever or whenever i want. And this works for every item in the game. Every legendary weapon, common furniture, common NPC, mobs, and even bosses. Everything.

I wrote down the table's name, base id, and referance id on the note pad in my inventory. An in-game feature that may be pointless to many, but extremely useful for me. I continued to do this to other items that i might find a use for. One of my favourite things to do in games is base-building. So furniture is always something i take note of.

Ooh i can imagine the look on Akihiko's face. Bending the rules of his masterpiece to my own whim. Heh. Then again, i never was one to follow the rules. Even at school, i was always known to be a bad boy and a troublemaker. Although my grades were high, that's still no excuse to all the pranks i've pulled. One of my favourites was at the computer class. I hacked into my bully's computer and as the teacher passed by, i opened a porn site. Hahah! Ahh those were good times.

Anyway, i waited for a bit and eventually Kazuto came back bringing a bag of stuff with him.

(Y/N) "There you are! Where the hell were you?"

Kazuto "Sorry. Should of left you a note, i went out and grabbed some stuff, but i got some news."

(Y/N) "What is it?"

Kazuto "People are gathering to push to the next floor. You up for it?"

(Y/N) "Yeah, sounds fun!"

Kazuto "Oh. And try to keep your hacking to a minimum will you? We don't know if these people are gonna teke lughtly to that."

(Y/N) "Yeah yeah..."

Kazuto "Well suit up. We'll rendevous with them after breakfast."

(Y/N) "Alright!"

I picked up my armour from the wardrobe and equipped it. I redied my sword and together we went down to the inn's ground floor (first floor for Americans, just in case some of you misunderstood) and ate. After that, we went to the rendevous point hand in hand.

Oh this is gonna be fun....

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