camping trip

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Thanks @Yeet_Kid_owo for the idea!


I got a message from the boys group chat.

Dwarf (Josh) sent 0 minutes ago
'Ight fuckers who wants to go on a camping trip

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago
Who changed my username to Dwarf I'm not short

BFFR (Mully) sent 0 minutes ago
Hi Josh

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago
Yours is actually pretty accurate

BFFR sent 0 minutes ago

Taco man (Eddie) sent 0 minutes ago
I like mine

Voices perosn (Grant) sent 0 minutes ago
Whoever tf changed our usernames can't even spell person

Reeman (Antornth) sent 0 minutes ago
Oh sorry Grant

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago

Reeman sent 0 minutes ago
Hey! It wasn't my idea!

Best gal (Y/N) sent 0 minutes ago
It was mine. Ree Kid just agreed. I did all of it. Sorry Grant I'll fix that.

Voices person sent 0 minutes ago
Thank you

Reeman sent 0 minutes ago
I can't wait to see Gaege's reaction to his name

Best gal sent 0 minutes ago
Yeah same

Retarded dickhead (Gaege) sent 0 minutes ago
Hey guys what's up

Retarded dickhead sent 0 minutes ago

Best gal sent 0 minutes ago
Me :)

Retarded dickhead sent 0 minutes ago

Best gal sent 0 minutes ago
Josh wasn't there something you were saying?

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago
Oh yeah do you guys want to go on a camping trip

Taco man sent 0 minutes ago
Hell yeah dawg

Voices person sent 0 minutes ago
How long we staying?

Retarded dickhead sent 0 minutes ago

BFFR sent 0 minutes ago

Best gal sent 0 minutes ago
Yeah I'll go Ree wbu?

Reeman sent 0 minutes ago
Yeah sure

Dwarf sent 0 minutes ago
We're staying for 3 nights

Voices person sent 0 minutes ago
Okay gonna go pack

Reeman sent 0 minutes ago
I'll go pack

Best gal sent 0 minutes ago

Retarded dickhead sent 0 minutes ago
Yeah me too

Taco man sent 0 minutes ago
I'll go pack see you guys!

Voices person sent 0 minutes ago
Yeah I'll pack see you guys later

After packing
Ree Kid's POV

Josh is going to pick the rest of the boys up in his car and Y/N is going to drive me and her to the camping place. Me and Y/N throw our bags in the car and jump in. We put our seatbelts on and Y/N drives.

Time skip brought to you by flaming hot ree
Still Ree Kid's POV

We arrive at the camping thing and Josh is pulling up in the parking lot. He gets out and I yell
Making Y/N laugh a bit. I was happy I made her laugh.

We set up the tents. There's 4 tents. I'm in a tent with Y/N. Mully is in a tent with Josh. Eddie is in a tent with Narrator and Juicy is in a tent with Smashing who also wanted to come camping. When we finish setting up the tents it's around 6 pm. We toast marshmallows (which Y/N is very happy about) and joke around the fire. We're sitting in camping chairs and me and Y/N are sharing one. She leans her head on my shoulder. I can tell she's tired. I lean my head in hers and close my eyes.

After a few minutes, I feel Y/N shaking me. I open my eyes and look around. I look at Y/N.
"We're going to bed now." she tells me
I get up and stretch. I reach out my hand for her to take. She does and gets up. When she stretches I tickle her and she tries to push me away with no effect. When she finally gives up I hug her, pick her up and carry her to our tent. I lay her on the bed and lay down next to her. I pull the blankets up so we're warm. I'm really tired so I drift off

K that's it because I'm tired and have no more ideas. Here's a random photo of sleep deprived me taken about 20 minutes ago. I really need sleep but who cares about sleep? Pfft. Not me.

 Not me

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