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Hello it's me UwU. Lmao never doing that again. Don't really know what to write here anymore but thank you guys for supporting me and liking this story. It means a lot that anyone will even read this garbage. Anyways enjoy! ⚠️self harm, bit of swearing⚠️

You wake up, cozy. You sit up and open your eyes. Ree Kid is laying next to you. He looks so cute. You smile and book his snoot (poke his nose). "Boop!" You say. He opens his eyes, smiling. "You're cute." He says. You blush. He laughs. He sits up and kisses your cheek. You hug him and he hugs back.
"So when are we going to tell the boys we're dating?" He asks.
You shrug. "Today?"
He smiles. "Sure."
You get out of bed and he pouts. You laugh. You lean down to kiss him and he pulls you back into bed. He wraps his arms around you.
"Stay." He says
"But I need to make breaky (breakfast)."
You laugh. (*slaps whiteboard* sorry (Jacksepticeye reference))
He smiles and holds you closer. You two cuddle for a few minutes and then he finally lets go of you.
"I am satisfied. Now you can make breaky."
"Yes, your majesty." You say, jokingly. You both laugh and you sit up. You walk out of the room and downstairs. You decide to make waffles.

When you're done, you place them on plates and put them on the table. You walk back into the kitchen to clean up. Then you hear footsteps on the stairs. You know it's Ree Kid so you ignore it. Then he starts to tickle you and you try to grab his hands so he stops. He stops and hugs you. When he lets go, you turn around and playfully slap his chest. He pouts and you kiss him on the cheek. He hugs you again. You let go after a while to have breakfast.

When you're done having breakfast, you both wash the dishes and chat while you do so. Ree Kid gets a notification and dries his hands so he can check it.

"It's the boys discord group chat thingy. They want to record. You up for it?" He says.
"Sure" you reply. "And while we're discussing what we'll do, we can tell them."
He types in the group chat and the goes go back to washing the dishes.


Still Y/N's POV

You have changed into a comfy jumper and jean shorts (am I the only one who does that? Wearing a long-sleeved shirt/jumper and shorts?). You and Ree Kid are in your room with the headsets. You both join the voice chat and put the headsets on. You decided while you were washing the dishes that you would go and get a drink and Ree Kid would tell them. You would come back and kiss him on the cheek and tell him that you love him before you put your headset on.

Ree Kid's POV

Me and Y/N were carrying out our plan. After a few minutes of playing, Y/N said that she was thirsty and that she was going to get a drink. When she left, I told the guys that we were dating. The boys all yell things like "CONGRATULATIONS" I laugh, which Y/N knows is the signal to come back. She walks into the room, kisses me on the cheek and tells me that she loves me. I tell her that I love her too and she puts her headset on. The boys all cheer and me and Y/N both laugh.

After playing VR

Me and Y/N were playing Minecraft together. Survival, no cheats. Not pvp, we were helping each other survive. We had set up a base in a mountain and Y/N had the genius idea to put down grass blocks that stick out of the mountain under the doors and on the way down from the top of the mountain (which is about 6 blocks above the doors) so we don't die of fall damage.
(Also this is what I do irl with my Minecraft houses. I just upgrade the inside when I get better stuff). Anyway. We played for a bit,   Y/N usually saving my ass when I'm surrounded by mobs. We stop playing after a few hours and just hang out in my room. She says she has to go to the bathroom so she leaves. A few minutes later she's still not back so I get up and walk to the bathroom door. I hear Y/N crying. I open the door. Y/N is sitting on the floor, holding bloody scissors, with cuts on her arm, crying. I gasp in shock and sit down next to her. She tries to shove her sleeve back over her arm but I grab her (non-injured) arm. I have tears in my eyes. I get up, walk to the door, close it and lock it so we can talk to each other privately. I sit back down next to her.

"Why?" I ask.
She looks down, ashamed. "i-I don't know." She starts swaying from side to side (side, side to siiiide- okay I'll stop because you're passing out) then she falls to the floor. I jump up, run to the door, open it and yell into the hallway for the boys. They come running and I step to the side so they can come in. They rush in and gasp at the sight of Y/N.
"We have to get her to hospital." Josh says.
"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!" I break down, crying.

With the boys' help, we got Y/N in the car and Mully drove to the hospital. We explained what happened to the doctors and they nodded and took Y/N to a room. We go sit in the waiting room and I break down again. The boys all hug me and I feel so grateful for them. The doctor comes back a few minutes later and walks over to us. I get up immediately.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

Muahaha, cliffhanger

Heyoo. You're welcome for the cliffhanger :). Also, I'm almost out of ideas. A good friend gave me an idea that I will use in the chapter after next. Any ideas would be appreciated. I've noticed that I keep forgetting to do the word counts, I'll try to remember and I'm sorry if I forget. I FIGURED IT OIT IM A GENIUS. There's a thing at the bottom that's invisible between the underlined thingy and the picture thingy (explained like a pro 💅😌) and if you tap on it it brings up the thing that changes where the text is, in rhe middle, on the left or on the right. Thanks again for the reads and votes, you guys are the best! 🤗

Word count: 1115

Ree Kid Fan Fiction (Female Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now