Chapter 5: An accidental kiss

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Hiccup's pov

After three long and boring hours of lessons, it was finally time to go home. As soon as I was about time step out of the classroom, Snotlout, who was walking behind pushed me and I landed on top of Astrid who was walking in front of me. Astrid landed on the floor while I was on top of her with my hand supporting my body so that I wouldn't kiss her by accident in front of everyone.

"Hey look, love on the school ground." Snotlout shouted as everyone echoed, "kiss kiss." With an evil grin on his face, he kicked my legs, causing me to lose my balance and land on Astrid, my lips completing a circuit with hers, how embarrassing is that. The whole crowd started cheering and clapping while some of them were recording.

Astrid's pov

'Ugh, this Snotlout is really getting on my nerves ever since I entered this school.' I thought.

'God, this is so embarrassing, everyone knowing now that I have a crush on Hiccup and now kissing him.' I thought as I pushed Hiccup out of my way and stood up, glaring angrily at everyone who witnessed what happened.

"You better not post those on Instagram." I warned as everyone walked out of the school compound as I helped Hiccup up.

"You alright?" I asked as I swept off any dust stuck on Hiccup's clothes.

"I'm fine, thanks." Hiccup replied.

"That was so embarrassing." I said as I walked out of the school with Hiccup following behind me. Along the way back to my apartment, it was awkward silence until Hiccup broke the silence and started, "I'm sorry about just now."

"Hiccup, it's not your fault, you know how annoying Snotlout can be right, blame him, not yourself, alright?" I said as I walked further in front. Suddenly, Hiccup caught up to me and hugged me from behind as he rested his head on top of mine, smelling my hair.

"Thank you, you always know how to cheer me up." He whispered into my ear as I started blushing like crazy, am I officially in a relationship I thought.

Hiccup's pov

"What shampoo and perfume did you use, you smell so fresh." I commented.

"It's my new shampoo and perfume I use called 'A thousand wishes'. And what detergent do you use, I love the smell of your shirt." Astrid commented.

"Well, I use a special type, which is called love." I replied.

"What a cheesy name." Astrid commented as the both of us chuckled. After hanging out at the park near Astrid's apartment, I walked Astrid back to her apartment. As I dropped Astrid off at the doorstep, she gave me one last hug before stepping inside her house.

Astrid's pov

As I watched Hiccup slowly leave my apartment, I realized I was actually feeling loved for the first time. I found someone who respects me and knows me well.

"Well, someone misses her prince charming." Mom teased when I was still looking out of the window, watching Hiccup's body image become smaller and smaller.

"Don't worry, you can invite him over tomorrow." Mom insisted.

"Thanks mom, but we already have plans tomorrow." I said as I dragged my backpack up the stairs to my room.

Hiccup's pov

After a nice warm shower, my adorable black husky Toothless was sitting outside the bathroom waiting for me.

"Were you waiting for me bud?" I asked and Toothless barked I went back into my room and jumped onto my bed as Toothless hoped on top of me. I started to cuddle Toothless and after a while, I was fast asleep.

*RING RING* My phone vibrated a few minutes later and it was Astrid who was requesting to video call me.

"Toothless, off." I commanded as Toothless went off the bed as I answered the call.

"Hey Hiccup, Omg, is that a husky?" She shrieked and I nodded as.

"His name is Toothless." I said.

"So Toothless, right? That's an odd name to name a dog, how did you get him?" She asked.

"I'll tell you tomorrow." I replied. Astrid then quickly changed the topic and reminded, "Hey, don't forget to put the ointment before you sleep." I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'll do it later after this call." Another wave of silence struck us as Astrid shuttered, "Ummm, wh.. Why don't you put it on now?"

"Ummmm cause... wait a minute, you just want to see me shirtless again right?" As clumsy as I was, I accidentally dropped my phone on the floor which made Astrid anxious

Astrid's pov

When I was in the middle of thinking about something, I suddenly heard a distorted sound from Hiccup's side.

"Hiccup? Are you alright? What happened?" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'm just being clumsy, maybe I shouldn't move my body so much." He explained.

"Gee, you sir just gave me a heart attack." I pouted as Hiccup laughed. We spent the whole night talking mainly and catching up with each other.

"Well, it's getting late right now, see you tomorrow Astrid." I said.

"Bye Hiccup." Astrid smiled as she ended the call. As I laid on my bed, the thought of Astrid accidentally confessing her love for me in front of the whole school came into my mind.

"THAT'S IT SNOTLOUT, I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TRYING TO GET MY ATTENTION, I HATE IT. IT'S REALLY ANNOYING AND I' STILL NEW HERE. BESIDES, I HAD A CRUSH ON HICCUP SINCE WE WERE 7!" Her voice echoed through my mind, I knew there was something up about that girl. Maybe I should confess how I feel about her soon too so that both of us don't have to wait any longer.

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedWhere stories live. Discover now