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Some minutes later, Nozel was in the Kean Town square, covered with a hood so no one could recognize him. There were a lot of peolpe waiting for something. Nozel had a though that it had something to do with (Y/N) and Bella and he was right.

After a short time he arrived, two men showed caring (Y/N) who was wearing a blindfold and her legs and arms were tied up with a thick rope. They went up on a wooden platform and removed her blindfold.

In the moment they removed it, everyone starting booing and throwing tomatoes at her. She looked scared and shocked. She struggled to escape, but she didn't succeed.

A man went up along with Bella. He was a fat man wearing expensive clothes and golden rings. He was the mayor of the Kean Town and Bella's father, Thomas Lockward. He made a sign for silence and everyone shut up.

"My citizens, today we gathered here to get rid of the witch who brought us misfortune and sorrow. For example, she ruined my daughter's future as the queen of this kingdom by revealing her cursed face and charming the king for tooking her defense." he said everyone starting yelling in agreement. "What she did to my daughter is unforgivable and her punishment is death.".

(Y/N) started struggling again and screaming for help. She was scared of death and tried with all her power to prevent that to happen, but she failed.

It was 8 pm and it was so dark that they were using torches to light up. Nozel left the crowd and sneak to the wooden platform. He was right behind then.

One man approached the mayor and gave him a sharp sword to be decapitate (Y/N) with a single try. He lifted the sword and (Y/N) closed her eyes, waiting for the suffer to dissappear forever, but, before the mayor could touch her head with the sword, Nozel blocked the hit with his magic, grabbed (Y/N) and get out of there quickly with his eagle.

The crowd was following him, even if he was too fast to catch him. Nozel exited the town and went deep down in the forest which was next to the town.

After he assured that he lost them, he stopped next to a tree and leaned on it while holding (Y/N). Her eyes were still closed and looked at the surroundings. She looked at the Nozel, but she couldn't see his face.

"Don't worry, you're safe for now." he said calm and she broke free from his grip.

"Who are you?" she said and took a small distance from him.

"I'm the one who saved your life." he said and lifted up. "Stay here. I'll take some wood to make a fire."

"O-okay." she said shyly. She felt uncomfortable to stay with someone who didn't even know his name, but she had no where to go, so she didn't have a choice.

After a short time, he came back with some branches. He placed on the ground and made a fire. He sat on the ground and looked at (Y/N). She was confused and scared.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N).What's yours?"

"My name doesn't matter." he said looking at the fire. (Y/N) wanted to insist, but she was to shy to do it. She didn't want to annoy him with that question.

"Why did you save me? You asked my name so you don't know me."

"That's a good question. When I saw you suffering, I just couldn't stay there watching you die. I'm not from the Kean Town so I didn't know the reason why they wanted to execute you. The mayor said that you ruined her daughter's future, but I don't think it was your fault. You know how the king is, sooner or later, she would be kicked out, like the other ones."

"Thank you for for thinking that I'm innocent. You're the only one who does." she said and blushed.

Nozel stared at her for a minute. She is so cute! he though.

"What's wrong?" she said noticing the silence and him staring at her.

"N-nothing. You're so cute when you're blushing that I couldn't help myself. I've seen a lot of women in my life, but never one as much beautiful as you.You're the prettiest woman I've ever seen in my life." he said and blushing realizing that he confessed to her how beautiful she was.

(Y/N) blushed bright red and approached to him slowly. Even she didn't know who he was, she started to feel safe with him. She sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes. She was  tired after what happened that day.

"Don't sleep yet. We need to find a shelter or else wolfs will eat us." he said awakening her. He looked around and saw something which seemed to be a chalet. "Let's go there!"

They went in that direction and it really was a chalet. It was nobody inside and it wasn't any sign of someone to live there.

Nozel entered in the chalet and saw a candle which seemed to be new. He blew up the candle and explored the chalet. It was a small one-story house with a bedroom upstairs.

He came back to (Y/N) and let her in.

"This will be your home from now on." he said.

"Wait. It can't be. I don't have food here and I don't think I can manage to live on my own." she said and it was silence, until he responded:

"I'll bring you vegetables and meat to cook and clothes. I'll come every night here to see how are you doing and to bring you all you need. Okay?"

"Okay." she said and yawned.

"Let's go upstairs to sleep!" he said, took her hand and went upstairs with her.

The bed was small, but they could fit in without feeling cramped and fell asleep. It was their first night sleeping and the beginning of their relationship.

Loving A Heartless King (Nozel Silva x fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now