A Woman In Black

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Nozel Silva was in his office, completing some paperwork, until he heard a knock in the door.

"Enter!" he said and the door opened. It was Alfred.

"Your Majesty, Bella Lockward came for the trial." he said and waited for Nozel's reaction. He knew it wasn't gonna be a good one.

The trial was method by which he could test the women who wanted to be the next queen. The trial was so hard that none of them could pass it because it was exposing their selfish desire for power and money. The last one who accepted the trial failed by being caught stoling from the royal family's fortune, his money. That woman pleaded for a second chance, but it was too late, she showed her true face. She was kicked out of the castle and never allowed to return.

"Tell her to leave!" Nozel said, without looking at the counselor.

"But, Your Majesty, she came from the Kean Town which is on the other side of the kingdom. She took a whole day to come here."

"That's not my problem. She should've known that I stopped this trial yesterday." he said with annoyance.

"Please, Your Majesty, just give her a chance!" Alfred begged and Nozel stood a second to think. After all, he sighed and stood up.

"Fine, I'll give her a chance. Where is she now?"

"She's in the throne room, Your Majesty." he said and opened the door.

Nozel entered in the throne room and he saw Bella, a tall woman with brown hair and brown eyes, and two other womens who were her personal maids. One of them wore a black long dress which covered her entire body and a big black scarf which covered her face that only her eyes could be seen. When they saw Nozel, they bowed and Bella began to spoke.

"Ah, Your Majesty, its a big honor to be here..."

"You should've known that I decided to stop this trial yesterday. I have better things to do than greeting you and wish you good luck." he said with his normal cold tone.

"I know that, Your Majesty, but I promise I won't dissapoint you." she said, but he wasn't impressed at all. He heard it at every woman who accepted his trial. His attention was on the woman in black who was in Bella's back.

"What's wrong with the maid behind you? Why is she dressed entirely in black like that? I could barely see her eyes." he said and that woman shyly stepped foward trembling in fear.

"Oh, her? She just have a problem with her skin. She's covered in black because she's ugly and doesn't want to disgust you with her horrible skin." Bella said and the woman nodded nervously, like she would get in trouble if she wouldn't approve it.

Nozel noticed that, but he didn't said anything about that. If he wanted to find the truth, he had to wait until they exposed themselfs thinking that they aren't observed.

"I'll leave now. Alfred, send a maid to show their rooms." he said and left. He didn't waited for his response because he trusted him and wasted enough time with them.

He wasn't a man who took breaks. For him, the only break was when he was sleeping at night and, sometimes, It wasn't even that. He always put his kingdom before his needs which made his counselor concerned, but he didn't care.

Bella and her maids were left in the throne room alone waiting for a maid to show their rooms. She wasn't satisfied with how the king greeted her, after all, the Lockward family was a very respected one for its business.

The woman in black in black was standing there looking at the surroundings. She always dreamed to visit the castle one day. Her name was (Y/N) (L/N). She was from a commoner family, her mother was one of the people who possessed magic, but (Y/N) didn't inherited her water magic, only the appearances.

"Hey, wig! I'm thirsty. Give me a glass of water!" Bella said to (Y/N). (Y/N)'s mother wasn't very liked in their town. Because of her water magic, the citizens called her a witch and (Y/N), looking exactly like her, she was called <wig> even she couldn't use water magic.

"B-but, my lady, we just arrived here. I don't know where the kitchen is." she said but Bella didn't care.

"Your mother could use water magic, right? Take a glass amd fill it with your magic."

"My lady, I can't. I don't have her magic." Bella stayed silent for a second, and then she spoke.

"Disobey my orders...Alright then. Looks like you want to sleep outside again."

"My lady, I say the truth. I..." she couldn't finish because Bella approached to her and slapped her.

"You're useless, like always. Don't you dare to sleep in your room, got it?" she said with a scary tone. (Y/N) couldn't do anything but to node. She knew how dangerous Bella could be.

The maid entered in the throne room changed her face into a friendly one to not risk anything. She knew that if one servant will see something suspicious, he will report to the king and she will fail the trial.

The maid showed them the surroundings and their rooms. There were two rooms: one for Bella and one for her maids. The other maid was very loyal to Bella and very strong so she would beat up (Y/N) if she dared to enter in their room.

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