Chapter 3: Wait, What?

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Ok so I know I was a little late with the last update and this one but I hope I can make it to you by giving you a couple of other people's p.o.v. So ya by the way I just want you to now that um... well... I dont work on weekends cause it's the only days I have away from school. So thx I hope you guys like it. :)


When we parked in our ugale parking spot that Melly and I tack turns using when ever its our turn to   drive. 
Melly and I always carpooled to save money on gas and stuff. We take turns on driving but lately I have bin driving since the little incident with  paint balls and car keys. Idiots. But we always park in the same spot. It's basically ware our group parks. 
The groups contains us, Danny, Kyle, Conner, Miles and some other people that we meant when we first got to high school. We were kind of like middle class and since Melly is like all of our best friends she is in middle to. But people still like to pick on her when were not around. But they don't know that she can kill them 50 difrent ways with a pencle. 

When I got out the car I saw some heads look our way. Looking at the car that just pulled in probably wondering who the  reckless driver was. I sware she is going to kill someone one day by the way she drives.

As I closed my door I had to let a smirk form on my face. I couldn't wait to see the people's faces when they saw who was driving. 

I started to walk away when I noticed that Melly wasn't even with me. I could tell that she was still in the car by how the people still looked at the drivers door to open up and see who the driver was, if they didn't guess already. I  tryed to look threw the wind shield. But it was so tinted you couldn't  see anything. 

I went over to the drivers side door and opened it up looking over at Melly. With one look I new she was mad about some thing. Actually furious. You could see it in her eyes, which helled something that looked like angry fire. Her jaw was clenched and she looked like she was shaking in rage. 

"Mell, whats wrong." I felt really wary and anxious. I really wanted to now what she was so mad about,  but I also was kind of nervous to know what could set her off so fast with only a glimpse.

"Melly Dawson, what is it?" The guys started to closer to us wondering what was going on. Danny was right beside me in a flash. We both exchange a nervous look between each other.

"Melly?" Danny spoke slowly trying to calm her before she snapped. It looked like he wanted her to tell him what was going on. "Melly what do you see?"

She slowly took and shaky breath and I fallowed her gaze. When I saw what she was so worked up about i let out a small gasp. I found that I couldn't speak either now that I new what was so bad.

"What is it?" I hared Conner ask from behind us.

Melly raised her hand and pointed to the reason why she was so mad and the reason I was so mad to. As they all fallowed ware she was pointing I saw from the corner of my eyes all of there reactions.

Miles had shock was basically written all over his face.
Conner had confusion in his eyes.
Kyle looked like he was torn from shock and confusion.
 While Danny looked mad. Like really mad. His face was a little red around the edges. 

We were all trying to make sure what we actually saw was real or this was all one big joke.

Right their, starting to walk up the stairs of our school, not his, with a huge slummy smirk on that fat head of his. Ok maybe his smirk was more sexy then slummy and his head was like the perfect size on his body but I would never say that out loud because:

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