Chapter 6: I hate you

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Ok I am trying soooo hard to update more so plzzzzzz don't hate the book because of me. Even if I suck at writing but still. :) And I am sooooooooooo sorry for not updating sooner plz for give me :)


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Chapter 6: (MELLY'S P.O.V.)

I skipped break fist today and not just because I just slept in but because I really didn't feel like seeing any ones faces. Last night Chief and I had another one of our yelling matches. 

It wasn't just the reason that I didn't like -more like hate- whats his name. But because I hate when some one tells me what to do. It bugs me sooo much. And that was what Chief was trying to do with me, with pairing me up with whats his name.

And yes it is true I can't remember his name at the minute but who can blame me right? I really it is such a long name. I think.

Anyways I was walking out of my room well more like sneaking out of my room through the window in my room. There was a roof under my window and I normally went over there to sit and calm down. Being on the 3erd story of the house is a lot of work. So whenever I'm either sitting in my window seat or out side on the roof there is always a wile to fall. But I never fall.

I had my back pack on and my phone in my hand to text Cassey saying that I was going to school.

I was now at the end of the roof and I put my phone in my front pocket. I steeped off the roof ready for my foot to hit the vines that seemed to grow all over the house. All of the other patches of Ivy vines got cut off cause Chief hates it, except for this part cause I wanted it to sneak out all the time.

I started to slide down the ivy and head to my car that was still parked in front of the house. I smoothly got in it and pulled out of the drive way, passing Stevie one of the 3 guard houses.

He had fiery red hair. And bushy eye brows. He was from New Jersey but his dad came from Ireland. He's really funny and he has a thing for game boys.

He also knows not to mess with me when I get really mad.

I was actually going the speed limit today since I didn't want to get to school to early.

When I got pulled into the school I went to my normal parking spot.

I was guessing that Cassey would have gotten a ride with one of the guys since she's sooo into saving the earth. Don't get me wrong I loved the planet but not driving your own care to school was to much for me.

I was sitting in my car for a little bit longer then I should but I was trying to calm my uneasy feeling growing in my stomach. I had a bad feeling about today. I was wondering if it was to late to skip today.

Then I heard a tap on my window.

I turned my head to see one of the top 'dogs' of the school. Logan Miler. He was one of those guys that all the teachers thought was an Angel sent from heaven above. But when they weren't looking he was the total opposite.

He was also the stare quarterback for 2 years, he was the student body precedent since he got here in grade nine. He had the best life a normal child could have. But is that it? Nope. He has the perfect looks, or so Cassey tells me. And he has all the girls falling for him. Including me.

Well more like Melly. We had to start some sort of rumor for Melly and that was the rumor we picked out of the hat. But man could it be any different.I hate this guy. Almost as much as Jason.

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