Chapter 4

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Adrien hooked an arm through the baby carrier over the top of his jacket. He and Marientte had worked together to get Edmond changed and into his extra warm romper and beanie, if they could get him to keep it on his head that is. "I think we're all ready to go Bug." Adrien readjusted Edmond in his baby carrier while Marinette slipped the backpack on. "I can take that Marinette, you don't have to carry it."

"It's fine, Chaton. It's not like it's heavy. I would have offered to carry Edmond but the gossips might have a fields day with that one." Adrien figured they would probably have a fields day anyway, but he was beyond caring. If his father didn't have a problem with him being seen out with Marinette and Edmond, then let them talk.

On the way out they checked on the snickerdoodles cooling on the rack. Marinette packed them into an airtight container. Taking one each, they bit into the treats to find them soft and fluffy with just the right amount of cinnamon.

"These are amazing Adrien. You did such a good job for your first try." Adrien couldn't help preening just a little at her praise.

"Well, you know how pawsome I can be." He grinned. "Seriously though, it was your hard work, not mine. You're the amazing one Marinette."

"That she certainly is." Tom concurred, patting Adrien on the back. "By the way, did you have any plans for dinner tonight?" Adrien rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nathalie did say they would be home late. I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead." Sabine then came into the kitchen behind her husband.

"Then you must stay and have dinner with us." She said with a twinkle in her eye. "Tom just finished decorating the most divine Buche de Noel (Yule Log) and the more the merrier to enjoy it."

Adrien knew he was grinning from ear to ear. The thought of staying with the Dupain-Cheng's for dinner was just too tempting an offer. "I'd be delighted. Thank you Mrs Cheng." He said as he followed Marinette out the door. The two young adults missed the knowing nods and winks between the two parents.

"Careful m'lady. I think a shower of rain must have gone over when we were baking, and the footpath is a bit slippery."

As they headed down the path, Adrien reached over and took Marinette's hand in his, lacing their fingers together. It felt right having her beside him like this. He didn't even mind the fact that they had to have gloves on. He would have rather felt the warmth of her skin against his, but he didn't want her getting cold fingers either. Not for the first time did Adrien think he scored the jackpot that Ladybug was Marinette.

"I saw all the baubles on your tree with our friends' names on them, and your family." He looked down to see her cheeks pinking up, and he was sure it wasn't from the cold air. "They're really lovely and I especially liked mine."

"I changed it for this year. I used to have one with a camera on it, but I realised that isn't who you really are, not to me anyway." Adrien wasn't sure what to make of that. She was right of course, while the modeling was a large part of what he does, it wasn't who he really was. Maybe Chat was more of the person he really was behind the model facade. Trust his lady to see through that. But then he remembered she had rejected Chat. No, he's not going to give up that easily.

"I wanted to ask if you could maybe help me make one for Edmond." The baby turned his head towards Adrien at the mention of his name.

"Of course. If you're not busy tomorrow you can come back around. We can buy a bauble at the markets and I have plenty of glitter and glue. They dry pretty quick so you can take it home to your tree." She noticed that Adrien's hand seemed to have gripped hers a little tighter. Somehow their showpiece tree at the mansion didn't seem the right place.

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