Chapter 8

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"I really must catch up with your father again. It's been far too long." The costume designer prattled on as he wrote down Gabriel's contact details.

"I'll let him know I met you." Adrien said absentmindedly as he slid on his overcoat. The designer kept prattling on, but Adrien wasn't really listening, his mind was still outside in the dressing rooms where he had left Marinette with Anya. He still had an uneasy feeling and was anxious to get back out to Marinette.

" know your father was quite the visionary when we were studying together. He designed the most amazing costumes for the university theatre. Really off the wall kind of stuff. I thought he might have gone into it professionally, but then he met your mother and the rest as they say was history. How is she by the way?" Adrien looked at the designer in stunned silence.

" mother?" He eventually asked. The designer looked at him confused and Adrien realised the man didn't know. "She...she passed away some time ago. My father recently remained and had another son."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't heard." The man replied embarrassed. "I guess my life has become the ballet and I don't get out much anymore." Adrien gave him a kind smile.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Nathalie is great and my little brother, Edmond, is a real light in everyone's life."

The two men suddenly had their attention diverted by a scuffling sound and rushing footsteps. Nadja Chamack's photographer burst in through the door and relayed what he had overheard of Anya's conversation with Marinette. Adrien practically turned ghost white and dashed out the door to see everyone looking towards where the open back door was, Marinette's shawl on the floor. Adrien looked around frantically and found Anya with a surprised look on her face. The blonde approached her and grabbed Anya's arm.

"What did you do to her?" He said, kicking himself for leaving Marinette with her. Anya never had been the nicest person, even when they were kids. She was always training and under her mother's harsh coaching, not having many friends. She reminded him a lot of Chloé in many ways. When Chloé started to mature more Adrien thought perhaps Anya may have done the same, especially after being made Prima Ballerina. He should have known better.

"I didn't think she'd run." Anya tried to defend herself with. "But if she can't handle some home truths, then she doesn't deserve to be with someone like you."

Adrien took a step back. "Truths? What is wrong with you Anya? I haven't heard from you in two years and you just waltz in here thinking you have some kind of claim on me? Marinette isn't just some random girl I picked up off the street. She's my best friend, we have a history together, she's...she's the better part of me." Anya started to become defensive.

"But Adrien, you dance with me at Chloé's 18th. You, you smiled and...and I thought we had a connection." Adrien slapped his hand to his forehead. This could not be happening, not when the girl of his dreams had finally become his girlfriend.

"I dance with a lot of girls, Anya, it comes with the territory. You should know that. It doesn't mean anything. I love Marinette, even then, but I didn't think I was good enough for her." Anya looked at him with wide eyes. He didn't think he was enough for her? Had she really misread the girl that badly? But then again, what did she even know of her? All she really knew was that Chloé said he was interested in someone else and she immediately saw green. An unfamiliar sensation ran through Anya at that moment, guilt. She folded her arms across her chest and looked at the ground.

"I...I didn't mean to make her leave. I just wanted to try and make her jealous." Adrien glared at her and Anya let out a defeated sigh. "I guess I was the one that was jealous."

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