Chapter 6

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Marinette was sure she'd been having the best dream ever. She could feel the warmth of Adrien's skin on hers, the tickle of his breath against her face and the tingle of his lips as he kissed...wait, was that a lick on her cheek? And was he laughing?

"Edmond, you're supposed to kiss the Princess to wake her up, not try and lick her ear."

Marinette opened her eyes to see two bright blue baby eyes smiling at her, followed closely but two amused emerald ones. "Sorry m'lady, I'm afraid he has a long way to go in the gentlemanly department of awakening fair maidens." Adrien held Edmond up to his face. "You have a lot to learn my young apprentice before we make an Agreste out of you. Luckily you have an amazing and ultra charming big brother to teach you." Adrien gave Marinette a cheeky grin.

"Heaven help us." Marinette giggled. "I don't think the world is ready for that much - dorkiness."

"Meowch m'lady." He exclaimed, feigning offence.

Marinette pushed herself up to sitting, reaching out to take Edmond for a cuddle. Adrien sat on the edge of the chaise beside her. "I didn't even hear him wake up. What time is it?"

"A little after eight." He replied, holding his finger out for Edmond to hold. The baby promptly pulled the appendage into his mouth. "Hey, I already fed you." He laughed. "I swear, he's a bottomless pit like Plagg."

"At least I don't drool." Plagg called out across the room. "And I'm far better house trained." He snickered, earning himself a bop on the head from Tikki.

"I'm sorry I wasn't up to help you with him." Marinette said, ignoring the cat Kwami. Adrien leaned forward and kissed her on the nose.

"I happened to be awake when he woke up. Your mum helped me out this morning and there is breakfast on the table waiting for you. Remember our appointment is at ten." Marinette pressed her free hand to the side of her face.

"Oh gosh I forgot about the appointment." Adrien took her hand and held it close to his chest.

"You've got time, don't panic." He assured her. He leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. "You're with me remember, it's not like they won't let you in
if we're late. Nathalie called this morning too and talked to your mum."

"How was she?" Adrien took a moment to answer.

"She sounded...fine actually." He said with a curious expression. He had expected Nathalie to have sounded panicked like she had the day before, but she was completely opposite to that.

"Any word on the weather?" She asked, shifting Edmond into her shoulder.

"They had a fresh lot of heavy falls last night. Right now they are planning to be back by tomorrow night, but no promises. Your mum was really sweet about it though and said not to worry, we could stay as long as we needed." Marinette could hear the concern in his voice.

"Hey." She said softly, leaning over to catch his eyes.

"I'm alright." He said, smiling at her as he tucked her stray hair behind her ear, letting his hand rest against her cheek. "I'm right where I want to be, here with you m'lady." He leaned in, capturing her lips in his again, but a little less chaste than the kiss before. He heard her sigh against him and it spurred him in to deepen the kiss. It didn't last long though when Edmond decided it was a good idea to grab up a fist full of Adrien's hair.

"Ow, yeah, alright". Adrien chuckled as he pried Edmond's tiny but firm fingers away from his hair. "You can't hog Marinette all day you know, she's my girlfriend, not yours."

"Come on, I better eat and get dressed now anyway, otherwise we will be late." Marinette declared, handing Edmond back over and getting up.

By the time Marinette had eaten breakfast and got dressed in her warm pink coat, Adrien's bodyguard had arrived at the door. The rain hadn't returned that morning, but the frost in the air was increasing and Adrien didn't want to keep Edmond out in the air too much.

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