{Chapter 3}

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"Beep! Beep!", the alarm rung out.

"Ugh...", Aphmau groaned as she banged her hand on it still half asleep.

She hit the snooze button and drifted back into sleep, but her snoozing was interrupted by the alarm again.

"No..., I don't want to go to school.", she mumbled out banging her hand on the alarm clock again and again.

The pups came in the room barking and pulling at her bed sheets. The sheets came off exposing Aphmau's body to the cold air. She curled up in a ball and mumbled again, "No Mom, I don't wanna."

The pups continued barking which lead her to finally get out of bed and get the puppies something to eat. She lead them downstairs and poured the food in their bowls.

"Now you love me cause I'm giving you food.", she teased them.

She walked away from them to prepare her own breakfast, pancakes, bacon, and orange juice. She sat at the table eating her food, staring at the pictures on the wall. She sighed as she did, remembering all the memories she had with her friends and..., Aaron. She broke out of thought when Celeste and Alexander barked for her attention.

"See, you only love me for food.", she teased again and gave them the two bacon slices she had left on her plate in their bowls.

She walked over to the sink and put the plate in then began to wash it. After, she walked to the stairs to her room while the pups played in the living room. Aphmau threw herself on the bed and looked at the window outside, watching the snow fall down. Then her eyes shifted to her alarm clock which read, 'December 24, Christmas Eve'. She looked away from the clock and stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"What's wrong?", a familiar voice asked.

"Huh?", Aphmau turned on her side towards the dresser; there she saw Woof.

"I asked what's wrong. You look more depressed than ever today.", the wolf plush spoke again.

"It's Christmas Eve, and I won't be able to spend the holiday with Aaron.", she replied.

"C'mon, you can do other things to take your mind of him, like..., hang out with your friends!"

"I don't what to drag them down.", Aphmau sighed again.

"Didn't your friends just help decorate your house and bake cookies with you?"


"Then you aren't being a bother. They chose to do it and I'm sure you would have done the same for them. Now, you better get ready, Melissa's coming over soon.", Woof spoke.

"Oh yeah! I forgot!", Aphmau said scrambling out the bed to put on her clothes.

She chose a purple and white sweeter with a snowflake pattern and wore black leggings, and of course wore the bandana on her wrist and the jacket around her waist. Then she went to brush her teeth.

"Ding Dong!", the doorbell rang.

"Coming!", Aphmau called as she ran down the stairs.

She opened the door and upon seeing who it was flung herself on the person hugging them.

"Hey Aphmau! Long-time no see!", Melissa smiled.

"Melissa! It's so good to see you!", Aphmau smiled back.

The two walked into the house and sat in the living room. They began talking about how each other was and Aphmau offered Melissa some of the gingerbread cookies she baked yesterday.

"Oh that reminds me, Aaron sent something for you.", Melissa went back to her car and took out a gift bag then came back and handed it to Aphmau.

"Thanks! And I have something I want to give to him!", Aphmau said and went upstairs.

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