{Chapter 4}

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"Good morning! Good morning! It's time to rise and shine!", Melissa burst into her little brothers room singing.

"Ugh, good morning Melissa.", Aaron groaned sitting up in bed.

"One more day until Christmas! Anyway, I just came up to tell you that I'm going to Aph's now so if you need to put anything in the bag then do it now.", she smiled.

"Okay, well everything's there."

"Okay great! Cya!", she said exiting the room.

Aaron began to rest his head back on the pillow, about to drift back to sleep. Then Melissa came back in just as suddenly making him jump back up.

"Oh and by the way Mom and Dad are downstairs getting ready to for another meeting. They should be free for tomorrow."

"O-okay.", Aaron said still shaken.

She left the room and Aaron got out of bed to see if she was actually gone. He looked at his alarm clock, '8:00'.

"No point in going back to sleep now.", Aaron sighed out, looking out the window as the snow fell.

He freshened up and put on a red and white long-sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. He went downstairs for breakfast and sat at the table behind his plate of pancakes. Aaron watched his parents rush back and forth to get ready, as he played with his fork on the plate.

"Morning son, we'll be back sometime at three.", Rachel said looking through the closet for her handbag.

"Hmmm? Strange. I know I didn't open another case of Poopsie.", Derek said aloud looking in the cupboard.

Aaron looked away from his father and began eating to cover up his guilt.

"C'mon Derek. The Poopsie can wait. We have to get to the meeting now.", Rachel said waiting at the door.

"Fine. Bye son.", Derek said walking out the house.

Melissa came down the stairs and picked up the gift bag. She went over to her brother and ruffled his hair and hugged him.

"Bye! See you soon.", she said and left the house.

The house was empty of any lifeform except Aaron. All was silent throughout the building. Aaron finished eating at washed his plate then went to the living room to sit down.

"So..., what now?", he pondered aloud.

"Blaze and the pups went home for the holidays. They are probably still asleep, and I can't call or text anyone back at Lover's Lane. What to do? What to do?", he tapped his hand on the chair's arm rest.

Aaron looked out the window looking at the snow from where he was and thought aloud again, "I can't look out the window all day. Maybe...Melissa has something interesting in her room.", he grinned to himself.

He entered his sister's room and his once excited face fell into a disappointed one upon seeing nothing of his interest. Most of the things he saw he already saw back at home among Aphmau's stuff. He walked out the room and closed the door behind him.

"Hmmm..., maybe there is something I can do in my room?"

He walked into his room and looked around it. His eyes fell on his laptop.

"I doubt Aph will be on.", he said and sat on his bed and sighed, "There is nothing to do."

The house was already decorated a week ago, so that was out of the question. Days like these are what Aaron disliked the most, when he had nothing to do and no one to talk to. He looked at a picture of him and Aph at prom, then at a picture of her with Woof.

Aaron sighed again and laid down on the bed closing his eyes, then opened them again.

"Why did Melissa have to leave.", he groaned out.

He looked at his clock at the time was twelve fifty. Well, at least sometime passed by. Aaron sighed again and sat up. His phone then began to ring.

"Yes! Finally!", he exclaimed as he picked the phone up and read the name, 'Blaze'.

"Hey Blaze.", Aaron answered the phone, trying to not sound like he was dying for someone to talk to.

"Hey! Just want to know how you were doing.", Blaze answered from the other side of the phone.

"I'm...okay. And you?"

"Yeah, I'm okay also. Either way, I got to go. The pack and I are going out for tacos. Cya!"

"Bye.", Aaron said as they hung up.

He sighed again.

"If there even was a time for something to happen, even if it was an annoying meif'wa scout, now would be the time to happen."

"Ding dong!", the doorbell rang.

Aaron ran down the stairs, desperate for any type of interaction. He opened the door to see a blue haired meif'wa white a white tail and white ears. She looked to be about eighteen.

"Hi Mr! Oh it's you again!", she smiled.

"Yeah..., it's me...again. How are you still a Meif'wa scout? When I met you, you where what? Ten or nine?"

"I was a 'junior' meif'wa scout. Now I'm a Meif'wa scout since I'm eighteen! But I didn't know you were a werewolf.", she cocked her head.

"Wha- Oh! Umm! Yeah..."

"Okay then? Anyway! Are you going to buy cookies or are you just going to keep wasting my time?"

"Geez, you attitude sure hasn't changed since then.", Aaron mumbled.

"Why couldn't she have come earlier when I was sending Aph's present with Melissa?", Aaron thought.

"Okay, fine what do you have. I'm desperate.", he said aloud.

"I have, Chocolate fudge, chocolate chip, vanilla, cookie and cream, oatmeal, gingerbread, strawberry-", she began listing them.

"Okay. Okay. I think I got the point. You have a lot of cookies. How does all of that fit into one wagon?", Aaron cut her off at blueberry.

"Yep! And a meif'wa scout never reveals her secret. Now, what do you want? You take so long, unlike that Aphmau and Terra- I think it is- from a few years ago.", she folded her arms.

"You know Aph?!", Aaron's eyes widened.

"Yeah. She and Kawaii~chan helped me and my friend Juno at a club contest. Now! Hurry! And chose! You're not the only one I have to sell to."

Aaron rolled his eyes, "Gingerbread please."

Nekoette handed him a box of gingerbread and he gave he the money.

"Pleasure doing business with you!", She said then skipped off to the next house down the hill.

He closed the door and went to sit on the couch to eat the cookies after getting some milk from the fridge.

"Wow. I had no idea I was that desperate.", he said before putting a cookie in his mouth while having some milk. 

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