{Chapter 6}

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Aphmau opened her eyes slowly as the sun light beaming through the window onto her face, finally took effect. She turned around away from the window, still in bed, to be face to face with Woof.

"Merry Christmas!", the wolf plush cooed when their faces met.

"Gah!", Aphmau jumped up from bed then relaxed when she realised it was just Woof.

"O-oh, morning Woof.", she said climbing back in bed.

"Oh no! You're not coming back in here! You're going to get your butt downstairs and celebrate!", Woof said.

"What? B-but-"

"No butts! Who are you now? Travis?"


"Then you shouldn't have an excuse to stay in bed all day! If you don't I won't stop annoying you until to get out."

"Pff, you're kidding-", Aphmau was cut off again by Woof but this time she was singing the song Jiggle Bells off key and the same verse over and over again.

"Ugh, fine.", Aphmau said walking over to her closet trying to block out Woof's terrible singing.

She took out her purple and white sweater with a snowflake pattern then a pair of black jeans. She put them on along with her black winter boots. She did her hair in a simple ponytail then looked over to the chair where Aaron's bandana laid. She sighed then walked over to it and tied the bandana in her hair around the ponytail in a bow.

"I'm not gonna be a bummer on my friends.", she said then went to the door.

Woof continued singing- or, whatever she was doing- and Aphmau went downstairs to prepare herself breakfast.

"Hee-hee, that's my girl not letting anyone or thing bring her down.", Woof said as she heard the footsteps go down the steps.

As Aph got to the bottom of the stairs she was greeted by her two adorable puppies Celeste and Alexander.

"Good morning!", she smiled and stooped down to their level to pet them.

The pups licked her face causing her to giggle. She stood up and when to the cupboard to get the dogs' food. She poured it in their bowls then went on to the stove to make her own breakfast. Before she could get started by pouring the oil in the frying pan the doorbell rang. Aphmau went to answer it and when she opened it she was greeted by Kawaii~chan hugging her.

"Merry Christmas Aphmau~senpai!", the meif'wa cooed after they parted from the hug.

"Merry Christmas Kawaii~chan. How are you doing?", Aphmau smiled.

"Kawaii~chan is okay, but she and Katelyn~sama wanted to invite you to breakfast.", Kawaii~chan smiled back.


"Yeah! We didn't want you to be have Christmas breakfast alone."

"...Fine. Let's go.", Aphmau agreed after some thinking.

Aphmau locked the door to her house then followed Kawaii~chan to her place. She was greeted by Katelyn hugging her at the door.

"Merry Christmas Aph!", the blue-haired girl said after she let go of her friend.

"Merry Christmas Katelyn. You two didn't have to do this you know.", Aph replied.

"Non-sense! Aph, you're our friend. We don't want you to be alone on Christmas.", Katelyn smiled then ushered Aphmau in.

They sat at the table and had breakfast. Orange juice, pancakes, and bacon. After they talked about what they had been up to and they decided that they would come over to Aph's house for a gift exchange.

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