{Chapter 5}

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"Merry Christmas!", a loud voice exclaimed bursting into the room.

Aaron quickly jumped out of bed surprised by his sister's sudden outburst.

"Merry Christmas Melissa.", Aaron said still a bit tired as he stretched.

"Moring! Now rise and shine! It's a new day!", Melissa said running to her parents room to wake them up.

"I swear to Irene that she sometimes still acts like a little kid.", Aaron said to himself.

He walked over to his drawer and took out a black shirt and dark blue jeans. He came out the room and went downstairs for breakfast where everyone was. When Aaron sat down in his seat then Melissa stood up. Her brother gave her a confused look.

"Okay! Listen up people! Today is Christmas and we AREN'T going to be doing ANY work! Today is a day to spend with each other! So cancel any plans you had for today!", Melissa said smiling but when it came to the parts about work she looked directly at Derek.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't have anything planed today.", her father said after swallowing the pancake slice.

"Just want to make sure. Now! After breakfast we all know what time it is.", Melissa turned away from her dad.

"nine o'clock?", Derek questioned.

"No! It's present time! And then we have Christmas dinner!", Melissa beamed.

"Alrighty then.", the others agreed.

After they had breakfast, which was pancakes and orange juice with some boiled eggs, they went to the living room and sat on the sofas.

"Okay! Let's get started!", Melissa stood up again and the gift exchange began.

All the presents were distributed and it was now time for Lunch. Aaron sighed to himself, disappointed that he didn't get a gift from Aphmau. Melissa looked over to him as they ate then smirked to herself. Dinner now passed and Derek and Rachel where watching a movie in the living room. Aaron and Melissa sat at the dining table talking.

"So what did you do yesterday lil' bro?", Melissa asked.

"Nothing much. It was so boring. I even agreed to get Meif'wa scout cookies.", he covered his face.

"I don't see how that's so bad. I think there pretty good."

"No, it's not that. It's who was selling it. Anyways, I think I'm going upstairs."

"Why? The night is still young.", Melissa whined trying to keep a straight face.

"What? It's what, six already.", Aaron told his sister.

Melissa sighed, "Fine. Go ahead, but as soon as it's seven I'm coming to get you."


Aaron walked up the stairs and turned into his room. He flopped on his bed still disappointed that he didn't get a present from Aph. He turned to his nightstand and saw a red gift bag.

"Huh? How did...", he trailed of as he sat up to see the present. He picked it up and sat back down on his bed. He pushed his hand into the bag to pull out an envelope and a box wrapped in a light blue colour. He dug deeper and pulled out a red cloth that seemed familiar.

"My... jacket...?", Aaron questioned aloud.

He dug again and found a box of oatmeal cookies. He smiled. He decided to open the wrapped box and found a wolf pin. It was black with red tips. Aaron laughed a bit at how similar it was to him. He put on the jacket leaving it open then put the pin on the left side of the jacket. He moved on to the envelope. He opened it carefully and unfolded it then began to read.

"Dear Aaron,

Merry Christmas! I can't wait to see you again next summer! I hope you liked the gifts. I decided to give you back your jacket since we can't have you walking around shirtless again. And the pin, I asked a friend of mine to make it, since I wanted something to remember you by, but I decided to give it to you instead. And of course, you're favourite cookies!

Thank you Aaron, for everything. Remember that I love you, you big jerk and can't wait until we're reunited.

Your stupid potato,


Aaron smiled at the letter and walked to his bedroom window looking at the moon.

"Merry Christmas you stupid potato.", he smiled at it.

"Aaron! Wake up!", Melissa shouted knocking on his door.

"Coming.", he turned to the door then back to the moon smiling again, knowing that his beautiful Luna would be looking back at it.

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