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When we finally got home, Hazel and I went upstairs to get her ready for tonight. We told mom that Maeve was coming with us, but she decided she wanted to check up on James, saying she had some questions she had to ask him, and that dressing up was not exactly something she wanted to spend her evening doing.

Maeve had also taking a liking to James. She would spend hours with him talking about science and technology, and in return, he would tell her tales and stories that his parents used to tell him. It turns out that Maeve loves reading folklore, poems and plays. She's really talented, and sometimes, when she's inspired, writes stories of her own.

"Ohh, I like this one..." gushes Hazel, referring to a long green lace dress mom got when she went to London on business last year.

"That would look amazing on you, but I feel like a warm colour would really compliment your skin and hair tone. Maybe...this one?" I suggested, pulling out a short orange dress that had them most extraordinary bell sleeves that draped till the end of the dress.

"That's so pretty, but I was thinking something longer and more form fitting?" she said, eyeing a piece of sparkly red fabric that was caught in between all the other dresses that were crying to be worn. She went up to it and pulled out a long sequenced blood red dress.

"It's perfect," I exclaimed, dramatically wiping pretend tears from my eyes, "What are you waiting for? Put it on!" 

She giggled and ran off to the bathroom with the dress.

I suddenly remembered mom bought me a pair of red high heels not long ago that I thought I would never use. It would look perfect with the dress! I almost ran to my shoe closet and dug until I found it right at the back, still brand new in it's box.

I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. Hazel popped her head out, and I lifted up the shoes for her to see. 

She squealed, "Oh my word! It's gorgeous!" 

I handed it to her through the door, "I'm going downstairs to get something to drink. Want anything?" 

"No thanks," she smiled and disappeared behind the door again.

I managed to walk out of the room without tripping, but I'm afraid I can't say the same about the stairs. As I got to the last steps, my shoe somehow came off and I ended up tumbling the rest of the way.

I sighed and lifted my head so see a pair of black Adidas sneakers. I lifted my head higher where I found a smirking Tyler.

"Need some help?" he asked.

I pouted and got up by myself, "What?" I asked grumpily.

"Ohh, someones not in a good mood," he joked.

I glared at him, "I just fell down the stairs. I'm not just about to go skipping all sunshine and rainbows, am I?" 

"You're probably mad that my brother's not here to catch you this time," he said, knowingly.

"Am not!" I said too quickly, and if that didn't give myself away, the blush on my face definitely did, "I don't need your brother to save me." 

Zack was apparently in one of his moods again, according to everyone besides me. I didn't even realize he wasn't talking to any of them until Maeve mentioned it earlier. I mean, he was fine with me... He even called me last night. We spoke for hours, until I eventually drifted off to sleep with him telling me about his first time riding a bicycle. He does that every night they don't stay over. It's to help me not have nightmares. And it works! I haven't dreamt about the snow desert from the time he started...

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