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She starts walking down the aisle in a faster, more angry manner than she was supposed to.

I look at Zack accusingly.

He shrugs, "Oops?"

The lady pushes Chase out (rather roughly in my unwanted opinion). The poor guy almost dropped the rings she just handed to him.

"Oof, I'm next. Pray, you two," Tyler said wearily.

Sure enough, she gave him a stern look, and he walked inside the church with more confidence than I felt.

"We're next," I said nervously.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall," he winked at me.

"Ha, new nickname. And thanks, that's so reassuring," I said sarcastically, then more seriously, "we seriously need to talk Zack."

He smiled as the lady I hope never to see again practically pushes us out the door. I almost fall, but am caught by Zack just before we are at the point where anyone can see us. He takes my arm in his and leads me forward. I smile gratefully.

As soon as we start walking past all the guests, I am greeted but giggles (I pinpoint that to Hazel and Maeve sitting on the left - the brides side) and murmuring. This was from some older people. They weren't looking at mom and Jarred (who was also in a tux - though he didn't look nearly as good as any of his sons, especially the one striding next to me), they were looking at us.

I didn't even recognize half of the people on my mom's side - besides Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Ernest, who arrived earlier today and was staying at the inn a couple blocks away. I waved happily at them. The rest of them were dressed quite...extravagantly. With heavy coats and winter dresses and scarves. And it isn't even cold today.

I looked at Zack again, and he smiled confidently at me, which made me feel sick for some reason. Am I ever gonna see that smile again?

"Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask," he whispered in my ear, which startled me, as we were still walking down the isle (we were walking down the isle!), "Did James call you or something this morning?"

I looked at him quizzically and whispered back, "No. Why?"

"Well, he wasn't at the house this morning. It's not like him to just take off like that without saying anything."

I shook my head. We were almost to where mom, Jarred and everybody else was standing.

"Zack, I really don't think now's the time..."

"Oh, yeah. I just thought I should mention it."


"Your mother looks like she's having second thoughts," he states calmly.

I couldn't say anything to him partly because we had arrived at the end, and he departed to stand next to his dad and brothers, while I rushed over to mom who, sure enough, looked quite pale. and partly because I couldn't think of anything to say to that that won't result in me fighting with him.

But if we're being honest did disappear for a while this morning. What if she-

"Dearly beloved," the Priest (who asked us to call him Nat at the end of the wedding rehearsal - I know, it confused us too) started, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together and joining of this man," he gestured to a beaming Jarred, "and this woman," he gestured to my frowning mother, "In holy matrimony in the witnessing eyes of you, the people, and of God.."

He looked out at the audience who smiled politely and a little awkwardly.

Can't complain, I did the same thing.

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