Chapter 4

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I walk into the meeting room. We had to leave the attack. What else could we do?
I'm in the room Pitch gave me. He was the only one who understood the pain I've been through, he is the only worthy person in this world.
I think about everyone I've ever know.
Anna: saved me, but only so she could watch me suffer while learning to control my powers. Ha! Sucks for her!
North: never gave me Christmas presents.
Tooth: why did she even give me quarters when I was a kid? I couldn't use them? Oh, right, she wanted me to be even more upset.
Sandy: he never saved me from the nightmares. I HAD THEM EVERY NIGHT!
Bunny: he's an idiot
Mama: she locked me in my room
Papa: he locked me in my room and made me fear myself. I'm GLAD he's dead!
Jack: he's the worst one yet. He made me trust all of them, just so I would feel pain, he made me love him, I thought he loved me. Well, now I know, he is the worst person on the entire earth. I mean he only saved me to keep his sister out of trouble. He also left me for three years!
wait one more.
Hans: another worthy person. And I killed him! It's a wonder how Pitch forgave me for doing such an awful thing.

I can't believe I thought Pitch was the enemy. He really does understand me. He told me to right down how I feel about the others, so he can help me.
Jammie: I'm just a pass time to him, one he would stop believing in me, leaving me all alone.
Cupcake: same a Jammie
Pippa: same as Jammie
The other kids: same as Jammie
North: he only keeps me around because of Manny!
Tooth: she doesn't care for me, she only likes my Teeth
Bunny: he said so himself, he doesn't trust me. Also he's an idiot.
Sandy: he never gives me dreams when I sleep
Manny: he never talked to me, never helped me be believed in. I became a phrase but nothing else. HE MADE ME JUST SUT ALONE FOR 300 YEARS! AND THEN HE MADE ME THINK THR GUARDIANS ARE GOOD, THAT I VOULD TRUST THEM!
Mom: she can't even see me
Dad: he can't see me
Sophia: (A/N: for those who don't remember she is his sister.) I died because of her, and how does she repay me, naming a kid after me. She can't see me nor does morn for me every year.
Elsa: the worst one, she can't do ANYTHING right. I DIED saving her life and all she does is invite my stupid parents to morn for ONE DAY! She even tricked me into loving her, just so she could hurt me. Then she killed Hans. The only other good person beside Pitch.


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