Chapter 14

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I was nearing the ground extremely fast.
Gathering speed every second.
Suddenly something grabbed my hood.

It was Tooth.

She carried me up to the sleigh, and set me down.

"Are you ok?" Mother Nature asked

"I-I don't know." I answered truthfully.

Tooth put her hand on my shoulder reassuring. "We're talking you back to the castle." She told me.

"What!? No! I have to help you guys with Elsa!"

"Jack!" North called from the front of the sleigh "Until we get your staff back, you are in no condition to fight!"


"No buts!"

"Fine!" I said crossing my arms

We reached the castle, and I got out of the sleigh. Once Sophia got me to go inside, they left to go fight Elsa.

I sat down in one of the lounges. Sophia walked in with two cups of hot chocolate a few minutes later.

We sat in silence, sipping our cups. Not talking. I stared out the window. Looking at the snow that had began to lightly fall.

"I'm sorry." Sophia said breaking the silence.

This, catching me by surprise, makes me look at her.
"For what?"

"It was my fault that you died, and I didn't believe in you. I'm sorry."


"No! You and I both know that it's true-"

I interrupted by her by hugging her.

When we break apart she smiled and looked up at me "I missed you Jack."

"I missed you to Soph."

Suddenly a little boy with brown hair came running in.

"Mommy! Mommy!" He squealed, when he saw me he stopped running and looked at me. "Who's that?"

"Jackson, this is my brother, Prince Jack."

"You know I hate that title." I mutter

"To bad." She whispered back

Jackson walked up to me and sat next to me.

"Hi." He said quietly.


"You have the same name as me."

"Yea. I do don't I?"

He giggled (a/n: please remember that the kid is three. He can giggle.)

Suddenly the wind outside started howling. The snow started coming down much quicker.

The winter had started.

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