Chapter 5

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I wake up screaming. I keep dreaming dreams of Elsa. Why? I know she's evil. I shake my head clear and lay back down. My eyes are suddenly heavy, I fall back asleep.
We fly to a flat area about a mile away from North workshop.
"Come on snowflake, you can do it!"
"Fine." She groaned.
Quickly she makes us a mini ice castle. I assist her, ya know adding little things like frost patterns.
When we finish we stand outside.
"It's beautiful." She said in aw
"Just like you." I say
I wake up again and groan. I need to talk to Pitch.

My head is killing me, I'm so confused about what's right and what's wrong it hurts. I brought it up to Pitch a breakfast and he said it was because my mind was struggling to adjust to the new aspect I have on life, or something like that.
Before long, when I finish he tells me what he needs me to do, find the guardians and bing them to him.
Of course I obliged, he saved me, I am his faithful servant.
But part of me doesn't want listen. I ignore it and start looking for the Guardians.

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