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"...And well basically that's it. After that I went here and you know the rest."

Sakusa looked at his best friend in shock but also really confused. He was thinking about a way to explain the situation.

"Okay well i wasn't expecting that. I thought that you were going to tell me that your train had a delay but not this." Y/n laughed a bit.

Sakusa has always been this way. When he doesn't know what to say he starts to ramble. It can get a bit confusing when it happens in class and he suddenly starts to talk about the germs on the students hair.

"So let's go through this whole shit again. Maybe he means by six the time ? But that doesn't make sense. Or maybe he just meant his little group of friends ?" Y/n eyes widen. There was no way she would interact with all of them at the same time, nor would she 'take' them like Oikawa said.

"What are you gonna do now?" asked Sakusa with a bit of worry in his eyes. He knew all of these guys, he wasn't exactly friends with them, but yes he knew them, their tactics and their ways to ruin someone's life and there was no way he was going to let them do that to her.

"What should I do now ? You know that I can't do anything. I just stay away from them and that's it. Not like they have something against me." "Well staying away from them sounds easier than it is." said Sakusa.

"What do you mean by that ?" "Well I think you might share a few classes with them, or you're their tutor ? But the good thing is that they are a floor above us. I think that the whole floor belongs to them since they help the principal with his things."

Y/n rolled her eyes, knowing how much these six boys had the principal under their grasp. He is like their little marionette and they play with the strings.

"Sakusa you're talking like they would want something from me other than maybe teasing me. You know them." said Y/n trying to make the situation better.

"Yeah i know them." Sakusa's voice was low and quite. Yes he was probably overreacting, but it was his way of showing that he really cares, but he knows these guys more than he likes to do so.

"Okay so you take the right bed ?" asked Y/n curious. His things were already laying on the bed and on the table.

Sakusa nodded and went to his bed again. He was in a kind of trance and didn't talk at all. Y/n knew that if that happened she should let him be since he was probably thinking about something important.

Y/n took the box with the books inside and put them on the table. She organized everything into one of the shelves and put everything else on the table.

While she was putting her clothes into her wardrobe Sakusa stood up and went to his friend. "By six he didn't mean his friends, he probably meant the floor six. You know how much shit happened here."

Y/n nodded and laughed a bit. "No matter what he meant, as long as he stays away from me everything is alright."

Sakusa smiled and quickly hugged the girl. He always does this and only with her, other people are gross according to him. Even his other friends.

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