Chapter 16

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<March 2022>

"Pair 15, please go to the elevator and press the 17th floor. One of the organizers would be waiting for you in front of the 17th floor's elevator to brief you for the courage test. Good luck to the both of you." The organizer urged us.

Both me and Mark walked silently to the elevator, pretending to be awkward with each other. The moment the elevator's door closes, Mark stepped to be and cupped my cheeks using his hands. He kissed my forehead and whispered to me, "Baby.. I'm here for you, okay?"

Mark pulled me into his embrace while he stared at the elevator's number going up. "Truthfully I'm also scared of many things, like the dark and ghosts and especially height." he admitted shyly. "But I'll try my best to support you, even though there's a chance that we'll be cowards together."

I laughed at his cuteness and used my finger to boop his nose, "Thankyou, love." I smiled warmly at him.

Mark immediately let go of me and stared at me with a wide smile, "Love? Is that my nickname from you now?" he jumped up and down like a kid. I laughed again and ruffled his hair before pulling away when I noticed the elevator's door is about to open.

We immediately pulled off an emotionless face, as if we weren't talking to each other in the elevator. I'm actually amazed at our acting, I mean I always knew that I hide my feelings well but not to this extend.

Darkness, complete darkness.

"Oh welcome, pair number 15 right?" the organizer who is sitting on the booth in front of the elevator asked. We walked to him as his booth has the only source of light in this floor, candles lighting up on the table.

I nodded at him and fought the need to bite my lips out of fear. Why is this year's courage test like this?

"Okay so first of all you guys need to find room 1792, there would be a stamp on the table of the room. Don't worry, every stamp points would have a candle lighting up the location so the participants can stamp properly. After that, search for the swimming pool, gym room, bar and restaurant in their respective orders. Is that clear?" the organizer explained to us while handing a lighted up candle and the stamp card to us to us. 

We nodded at him. Mark took the candle from the organizer while I took the stamp card. "If your candle blows out, feel free to come back here and I'll light it again. Good luck to you both." the organizer told us.

We started walking towards the the hotel room which is in the right side while the other locations are in the left side. I wanted to sigh out loud because this means that I'll have to be in the dark longer.

I unconsciously let out a whimper when I saw the whole corridor in complete darkness. This is one of my fears, it feels like running in an endless dark corridor with no way out.

The moment the organizer is out of sight, Mark pulled my by the shoulder to him. He protectively wrap his arm on my hips, caressing it to comfort me.

"Mark.. what if the other pairs sees us like this?" I asked him, anxious from both the dark and being found out. 

"Oh right." he let go of my hips, but immediately intertwined my fingers with his. He smiled at me, "If someone sees us like this, just say that you're scared and I held your hand to comfort you."

I nodded at him and felt my heart feeling better for a second with the warmth on my hand. But in the end my anxiousness won over me and I closed my eyes.

I know closing my eyes would make my whole vision dark everywhere but it feels better knowing it's because I closed my eyes and not because someone didn't turn on the lights in real life.

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