Chapter 11

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<January 2022>

Mark's P.O.V

"Hey the trainees who we helped out during their last assessment's debut is in 5 minutes! I'm so curious about it. The company didn't want to tell us who made it into the debut line." Haechan yelled to the whole 127 team who are chilling out in the 5th floor room.

Well I already know one of them though.

I smiled at the thought of her, Min Eunhye. I haven't seen her in 2 months, last time being in November. So seeing her in her group's new MV song would be the first time I would see her in the past 2 months. 

I can already imagine how nervous she is about this right now, trying to hide her nervousness with a stoic face. I secretly smile at that thought, I can't help but to feel nervous for her as well.

"We could have searched for their promotional pictures though, they announced the members already last week." Doyoung commented. Haechan glared at the older guy, "Where's the fun in that? Besides we agreed on watching to the MV together for the surprise." 

"Who do you think made it into the debut line?" Johnny asked the other members. Taeil spoke up, "I think the girl who paired up with me, Chaewon, would probably make it in since her vocals are the best compared to other trainees."

"Definitely not Minsa. Even though her skills are decent, I just can't stand her. She wouldn't stop flirting with me, just imagine her doing that to you guys when she debuts." Jaehyun shivered. Haechan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, because you're still hung up about Haewon noona."

Jaehyun glared at Haechan who whistled innocently in reponse. We decided not to push the topic though since we know how much he still misses her despite his cold 'I-moved-on' act.

"The girl I performed with is also good, Im Gaeun? I think she trained with Jungwoo before when he was still a trainee. She'll make a great leader." Taeyong commented, with Jungwoo agreeing whole heartedly.

"There's also that good rapper who was supposed to be under Mark but somehow he passed it to YangYang." Yuta said. Johnny gleamed at that memory, "Yeah she was spitting fire with YangYang, I can't believe they did a diss rap performance for the assessment." he laughed.

"Speaking of Mark, the girl under Mark is also pretty good." Doyoung commented. I prevented a huge smile that was trying to form in my face. 

Taeyong thought about it, "Oh you mean the girl who covered Superhuman that somehow reminds us of Mark's dancing style? That girl left an impression on us. She's around Jisung's age right?" he asked me.

I nodded at him. Of course it looks like my dancing style, I was the one who taught her every detail of the dance to her (well specifically my detail of the dance).

"The girl with Ten is also good, probably would end up being the center. Ten told me she's quite an oddball though, he got along with her well thanks to that." Johnny added.

I laughed at his statement, I saw their chaos first hand with my own eyes. I sighed a bit when I remember how much I miss Eunhye.

"Oh it's out now! Connect someone's youtube to the TV!" Jungwoo instructed the members. In the end, we used Johnny's phone to connect.

Secret Garden - Hush

Now that I thought about it, I should have asked the concept of her group. I was busy kissing her plump lips to ask her about that last time. Well it's not like concept is such a big deal, right?

I immediately regret saying that.

My eyes widened when the MV started, noticing that this is a sexy concept song. They better not ask Eunhye do something vulgar. I mean like she's legal and all and she's charismatic and all but like, I don't want millions of people to see her like that.

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