Chapter 15

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<March 2022>

I opened my eyes in shock when there were sirens ringing from outside the room. Why are they waking us up in the same way like 2 years ago? Unfortunately unlike 2 years ago, I'm actually participating in the courage test this year. 

As I started feeling more conscious, I noticed that me and Mark were still in the same position when we fell asleep. I tried moving away my body to prepare myself for the courage test but Mark tightened his arms around my hips instead.

"Mark, wake up." I whispered softly to him. Mark whined and pulled my body closer to him, resting his face on the crook of my neck.

"Don't want to, this is comfortable. Don't want to say goodbye to warmth." He muttered. I smiled fondly at his cuteness.

I patted his head softly, "Wake up now, we'll get caught if you don't." I tried to convince him. He still shook his head, nuzzling his face closer to my neck. As much as I am over the moon right now, the anxiousness of being caught is still there. 

"Mark, if you don't wake up now I won't sleep here tonight." I threatened him, hoping that he would wake up.

Mark immediately opened his eyes, "Nooo, you're staying with me tonight as well." he complained with a pout.

I giggled at the sight of him still half awake, "I won't come again tonight unless you let go of me right now." I said while caressing his cheek.

"Fine.. Only because I want you to stay with me tonight." Mark mumbled childishly while letting go of me. Before I could sit straight, his face went down to try to kiss me. I immediately used my hand to stop his lips from touching mine.

Mark looked down at me with hope in his eyes, "No morning kiss..?" he asked while pouting, hoping that I wouldn't resist kissing him. 

I shook my head at him, "Not now, I usually have bad morning breath. Let's brush our teeth first and I'll consider it." I said while tapping his nose as a sign of love.

We stood up from the bed and walked towards the toilet together. He gave me the extra toothbrush from the hotel and also the toothpaste. 

After putting the toothpaste to the toothbrush, I stared at the mirror while brushing my teeth. The reflection showing my half awake self along with Mark who has one of his hands trapping me in the middle and the other one brushing his teeth. 

This is one of the sights I'll never forget in my life.

"Can I get my morning kiss now?" Mark asked as soon as we finished brushing our teeth. I rolled my eyes playfully and tiptoed to peck his lips, "Good morning, love." I greeted him.

Mark's face immediately brightened, "Good morning, baby." he greeted back. He looked at me with such fondness, causing my insides to immediately melt at the sight. 

"I'll go out first to cause less suspicions, I'll see you later Mark." I gave him my eyesmile before taking my face mask. I tapped his nose as a goodbye, causing him to scrunch his nose cutely. I laughed and walked out of his hotel room.


"Oh Eunhye is here, good morning. Well it's actually dawn 4 am right now, where were you?" Gaeun asked worriedly as soon as she arrived with the other SecGar members.

I smiled at them, mentally preparing to lie. "Good morning, unnies. I heard the sirens when they were still in the floor below us so I decided to check it out. When I came here they mentioned that we're regrouping to do a courage test so I decided to wait here since I was too lazy to walk back to our room." I lied.

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